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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 26(103)

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Bernard, JH . 1893.

The philosophic basis of the argument from design
JTVI 26(103):185-208. CELD ID 15385.

2. Charlesworth, E. 1893.

On the enigmatical flint bodies bearing the name paramoudra and which are only known in the chalk of Norfolk, and the chalk of antrim
JTVI 26(103):209-220. CELD ID 15386.

3. Pinches, TG. 1893.

Notes upon some of the recent discoveries in the realm of Assyriology, with special reference to the private life of the Babylonians
JTVI 26(103):123-184. CELD ID 15392.

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