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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 20(78)

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Boscawen, WSC. 1886.

Historical evidences of the migration of Abram
JTVI 20(78):92-144. CELD ID 15314.

2. Charlesworth, E. 1886.

Remarks on the structure of the gorilla
JTVI 20(78):82-86. CELD ID 15315.

3. Hassell, J. 1886.

The unreasonableness of agnosticism
JTVI 20(78):63-81. CELD ID 15319.

4. Petrie, FWH. 1886.

Notes on the Antiquity of Man
JTVI 20(78):87-91. CELD ID 15323.

5. Powell, T. 1886.

A Samoan tradition of creation and the deluge
JTVI 20(78):147-175. CELD ID 15326.

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