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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 16(62)

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Beale, LS. 1882.

Dictatorial scientific utterances and the decline of modern thought
JTVI 16(62):201-248. CELD ID 15273.

2. Callard, TK. 1882.

Breaks in the continuity of mammalian life in certain geological periods Fatal to Mr. Darwin's hypothesis of evolution
JTVI 16(62):170-200. CELD ID 15274.

3. Ground, WD. 1882.

An examination of Mr. Spencer's "Theory of the Will"
JTVI 16(62):98-131. CELD ID 15276.

4. Tomkins, HG. 1882.

Biblical proper, personal and local, illustrated from sources external to Holy Scripture
JTVI 16(62):132-169. CELD ID 15281.

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