1. Line, P. 2010. Homo gautengensis-new species of alleged apemann is just another australopithJC 24(3):3-5. CELD ID 24228.
Homo gautengensis-new species of alleged apemann is just another australopith
2. Oard, MJ. 2010. Further expansion of evolutionary fossil time rangesJC 24(3):5-7. CELD ID 24229.
Further expansion of evolutionary fossil time ranges
3. Walker, T. 2010. NASA pictures support biblical origin for moonJC 24(3):8-10. CELD ID 24230.
NASA pictures support biblical origin for moon
4. Doyle, S. 2010. Photosynthetic sea slugs: an evolutionary enigmaJC 24(3):10-12. CELD ID 24231.
Photosynthetic sea slugs: an evolutionary enigma
5. Silvestru, E. 2010. Neutrinos-the not-so-neutral particlesJC 24(3):13-14. CELD ID 24232.
Neutrinos-the not-so-neutral particles
6. Cosner, L. 2010. Yet another evolutionist attack on Intelligent Design Book review: Creationism's Trojan Horse by Barbara Forrest and Paul R. GrossJC 24(3):15-18. CELD ID 24233.
Yet another evolutionist attack on Intelligent Design Book review: Creationism's Trojan Horse by Barbara Forrest and Paul R. Gross
7. Weinberger, L. 2010. The Fall and the inspiration for science-Book review: The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science by Peter HarrisonJC 24(3):18-21. CELD ID 24234.
The Fall and the inspiration for science-Book review: The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science by Peter Harrison
8. Holding, HP. 2010. A sloppy kind of Christianity-Book review: A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions that are Transforming the Faith by Brian McLarenJC 24(3):22-23. CELD ID 24235.
A sloppy kind of Christianity-Book review: A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions that are Transforming the Faith by Brian McLaren
9. Statham, D. 2010. Dubious and dangerous exposition-Book review: The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate by John H. WaltonJC 24(3):24-26. CELD ID 24236.
Dubious and dangerous exposition-Book review: The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate by John H. Walton
10. Cosner, L. 2010. New study shows the importance of Genesis creation for early apologist's Christology-Book review: Irenaeus and Genesis: A study of Competition in Early Christian Hermeneutics by Thomas Holsinger-FriesenJC 24(3):26-29. CELD ID 24237.
New study shows the importance of Genesis creation for early apologist's Christology-Book review: Irenaeus and Genesis: A study of Competition in Early Christian Hermeneutics by Thomas Holsinger-Friesen
11. Thomas, B. 2010. Making sense of how an atheist is made-Book review: The Making of an Atheist: How Immorality Leads to Unbelief by James S. SpiegelJC 24(3):29-31. CELD ID 24238.
Making sense of how an atheist is made-Book review: The Making of an Atheist: How Immorality Leads to Unbelief by James S. Spiegel
12. Oberpriller, DJ. 2010. Personal paths of persuasion-Book review: Persuaded by the Evidence: True Stories of Faith, Science, & the Power of a Creator by Doug Sharp and Dr. Jerry BergmanJC 24(3):32-33. CELD ID 24239.
Personal paths of persuasion-Book review: Persuaded by the Evidence: True Stories of Faith, Science, & the Power of a Creator by Doug Sharp and Dr. Jerry Bergman
13. Loechelt, GH. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Critics of helium evidence for a young world now seem silent?JC 24(3):34-35. CELD ID 24240.
Letter to the Editor: Critics of helium evidence for a young world now seem silent?
14. Humphreys, R. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Russell Humphreys repliesJC 24(3):35-39. CELD ID 24241.
Letter to the Editor: Russell Humphreys replies
15. Down, D. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Is Hatshepsut the biblical 'Queen of Sheba'?JC 24(3):39-40. CELD ID 24242.
Letter to the Editor: Is Hatshepsut the biblical 'Queen of Sheba'?
16. Clarke, P. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Patrick Clarke repliesJC 24(3):40-41. CELD ID 24243.
Letter to the Editor: Patrick Clarke replies
17. Marvin, D. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Gospel in the StarsJC 24(3):41-42. CELD ID 24244.
Letter to the Editor: Gospel in the Stars
18. Bernitt, R. 2010. Letter to the Editor: The search for earth-like planetsJC 24(3):42-43. CELD ID 24245.
Letter to the Editor: The search for earth-like planets
19. Spencer, W. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Wayne Spencer repliesJC 24(3):43. CELD ID 24246.
Letter to the Editor: Wayne Spencer replies
20. Ashcraft, C. 2010. Is there a future for Christian educationJC 24(3):44-45. CELD ID 24247.
Is there a future for Christian education
21. Sarfati, J. 2010. Flood models and biblical realismJC 24(3):46-53. CELD ID 24248.
Flood models and biblical realism
22. DeYoung, DB. 2010. Mature creation and seeing distant starlightJC 24(3):54-59. CELD ID 24249.
Mature creation and seeing distant starlight
23. Harris, T. 2010. How did they build the Great Pyramid?-an architect's proposalJC 24(3):60-66. CELD ID 24250.
How did they build the Great Pyramid?-an architect's proposal
24. Lightner, JK. 2010. Post-Flood mutation of KIT gene and the rise of white coloration patternsJC 24(3):67-72. CELD ID 24251.
Post-Flood mutation of KIT gene and the rise of white coloration patterns
25. Froede, CR. 2010. 4 Vesta, achondritic meteorites and Flood bombardmentJC 24(3):73-75. CELD ID 24252.
4 Vesta, achondritic meteorites and Flood bombardment
26. Woolley, JF. 2010. The origin of the Carboniferous coal measures-part 1: Lessons from historyJC 24(3):76-81. CELD ID 24253.
The origin of the Carboniferous coal measures-part 1: Lessons from history
27. Patrick, K. 2010. Manganese nodules and the age of the ocean floorJC 24(3):82-. CELD ID 24254.
Manganese nodules and the age of the ocean floor
28. Oard, MJ. 2010. Is the K/T the post-Flood boundary?-part 2: paleoclimates and fossilsJC 24(3):87-93. CELD ID 24255.
Is the K/T the post-Flood boundary?-part 2: paleoclimates and fossils
29. Paul, MJ. 2010. Behemoth and leviathan in the book of JobJC 24(3):94-100. CELD ID 24256.
Behemoth and leviathan in the book of Job
30. Bergman, J. 2010. Using facial angle to prove evolution and the human race hierarchyJC 24(3):101-105. CELD ID 24257.
Using facial angle to prove evolution and the human race hierarchy
31. Scheele, P. 2010. A receding Flood scenario for the origin of the Grand CanyonJC 24(3):106-116. CELD ID 24258.
A receding Flood scenario for the origin of the Grand Canyon
32. Lightner, JK. 2010. Identification of a large sparrow-finch monobaramin in perching birds (Aves: Passeriformes)JC 24(3):117-121. CELD ID 24259.
Identification of a large sparrow-finch monobaramin in perching birds (Aves: Passeriformes)
33. Reed, JK. 2010. Robert L. Dabney-a rock in the storm of 19th century natural historyJC 24(3):122-127. CELD ID 24260.
Robert L. Dabney-a rock in the storm of 19th century natural history