1. Oard, MJ. 2010. Megaflood origin of Box Canyon, Idaho, and implications for sapping erosionJC 24(1):3-4. CELD ID 24155.
Megaflood origin of Box Canyon, Idaho, and implications for sapping erosion
2. Zuiddam, B. 2010. Augustine: young-earth creationistJC 24(1):5-6. CELD ID 24156.
Augustine: young-earth creationist
3. Lightner, JK. 2010. Comparative cytogenetics and chromosomal rearrangementsJC 24(1):6-8. CELD ID 24157.
Comparative cytogenetics and chromosomal rearrangements
4. Oard, MJ. 2010. Marine fossils in amber support the Flood Log-Mat ModelJC 24(1):9-10. CELD ID 24158.
Marine fossils in amber support the Flood Log-Mat Model
5. Chaffin, E. 2010. The Oklo natural reactors in Precambrian rocks, Gabon, AfricaJC 24(1):11-13. CELD ID 24159.
The Oklo natural reactors in Precambrian rocks, Gabon, Africa
6. Oard, MJ. 2010. Did the early Earth's atmosphere contain oxygen?JC 24(1):13-14. CELD ID 24160.
Did the early Earth's atmosphere contain oxygen?
7. Woodmorappe, J. 2010. Why evolution need not be true-Book Review: Why Evolution is True by Jerry A. CoyneJC 24(1):17-22. CELD ID 24161.
Why evolution need not be true-Book Review: Why Evolution is True by Jerry A. Coyne
8. Cosner, L. 2010. The Christian Nazi myth refuted-Book review: The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity by Bruce WalkerJC 24(1):22-25. CELD ID 24162.
The Christian Nazi myth refuted-Book review: The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity by Bruce Walker
9. Batten, D. 2010. Eating and keeping moral cakes-Book review: The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin by Benjamin WikerJC 24(1):25-26. CELD ID 24163.
Eating and keeping moral cakes-Book review: The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin by Benjamin Wiker
10. Tapp, B. 2010. "An eye for the truth!"-Book review: The Genesis Enigma by Andrew ParkerJC 24(1):27-28. CELD ID 24164.
"An eye for the truth!"-Book review: The Genesis Enigma by Andrew Parker
11. Weinberger, L. 2010. The struggle to survive: Book review: The Extinction of Evolution by Darek IsaacsJC 24(1):28-31. CELD ID 24165.
The struggle to survive: Book review: The Extinction of Evolution by Darek Isaacs
12. Thomas, B. 2010. Oblivious to the obvious: dragons lived with American Indians-Book review: Fossil Legends of the First Americans by Adrienne MayorJC 24(1):32-34. CELD ID 24166.
Oblivious to the obvious: dragons lived with American Indians-Book review: Fossil Legends of the First Americans by Adrienne Mayor
13. Cosner, L. 2010. More of the same old compromise-Book review: More Than a Theory by Hugh RossJC 24(1):35-38. CELD ID 24167.
More of the same old compromise-Book review: More Than a Theory by Hugh Ross
14. Walker, T. 2010. Tetrapods from Poland trample the Tiktaalik school of evolutionJC 24(1):39-42. CELD ID 24168.
Tetrapods from Poland trample the Tiktaalik school of evolution
15. Sarfati, J. 2010. Darwinopterus vs DawkinsJC 24(1):43-47. CELD ID 24169.
Darwinopterus vs Dawkins
16. Bernitt, R. 2010. Letter to the editor: How many impact craters should there be on the earth?JC 24(1):48. CELD ID 24170.
Letter to the editor: How many impact craters should there be on the earth?
17. Oard, MJ. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Michael Oard RepliesJC 24(1):48-49. CELD ID 24171.
Letter to the Editor: Michael Oard Replies
18. Green, D. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Christ as the last AdamJC 24(1):49-50. CELD ID 24172.
Letter to the Editor: Christ as the last Adam
19. Hebert, L. 2010. Letter to the Editory: The Bible's high view of women-letter 1JC 24(1):50-51. CELD ID 24173.
Letter to the Editory: The Bible's high view of women-letter 1
20. Cosner, L. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Lita Cosner repliesJC 24(1):51-52. CELD ID 24174.
Letter to the Editor: Lita Cosner replies
21. Golovin, SL. 2010. Letter to the Editor: The Bible's high view of women-letter 2JC 24(1):52. CELD ID 24175.
Letter to the Editor: The Bible's high view of women-letter 2
22. Cosner, L. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Lita Cosner repliesJC 24(1):52-53. CELD ID 24176.
23. Golovin, SL. 2010. Letter to the Editor: The Bible's high view of women-letter 3JC 24(1):53-54. CELD ID 24177.
Letter to the Editor: The Bible's high view of women-letter 3
24. Cosner, L. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Lita Cosner repliesJC 24(1):54. CELD ID 24178.
25. Froede, CR. 2010. Letter to the Editor: Colorado Plateau sandstones derived from the Appalachians?JC 24(1):54. CELD ID 24179.
Letter to the Editor: Colorado Plateau sandstones derived from the Appalachians?
26. Molen, M. 2010. Letter to the Editor: The evolution of the horseJC 24(1):54-55. CELD ID 24180.
Letter to the Editor: The evolution of the horse
27. Oard, MJ. 2010. Is the geological column a global sequence?JC 24(1):56-64. CELD ID 24181.
Is the geological column a global sequence?
28. Statham, D. 2010. Darwin, Lyell and the Origin of SpeciesJC 24(1):65-71. CELD ID 24182.
Darwin, Lyell and the Origin of Species
29. Spencer, W. 2010. The search for Earth-like planetsJC 24(1):72-76. CELD ID 24183.
The search for Earth-like planets
30. Lightner, JK. 2010. Hebrew Scriptures as an aid to developing a creationist taxonomyJC 24(1):77-81. CELD ID 24184.
Hebrew Scriptures as an aid to developing a creationist taxonomy
31. Statham, D. 2010. BiogeographyJC 24(1):82-87. CELD ID 24185.
32. Bergman, J. 2010. Robert A. Millikan, physics Noble laureate and Darwin doubterJC 24(1):88-91. CELD ID 24186.
Robert A. Millikan, physics Noble laureate and Darwin doubter
33. Denhollander, RJ. 2010. If the foundations be destroyedJC 24(1):92-98. CELD ID 24187.
If the foundations be destroyed
34. Henricksen, J. 2010. An architectural paradigmJC 24(1):99-105. CELD ID 24188.
An architectural paradigm
35. Grigg, R. 2010. Nietzsche, the man who took on God and lost!JC 24(1):106-112. CELD ID 24189.
Nietzsche, the man who took on God and lost!
36. Denhollander, RJ. 2010. Creation and the court room-where do we go from here?JC 24(1):113-120. CELD ID 24190.
Creation and the court room-where do we go from here?
37. Boudreaux, EA; DeMassa, J. 2010. Analysis of most probably reactions among products in Miller's experimentJC 24(1):121-126. CELD ID 24191.
Analysis of most probably reactions among products in Miller's experiment