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Contents of Journal of Creation 23(3)

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1. Oard, MJ. 2009.

Colorado Plateau sandstones derived from the Appalachians?
JC 23(3):5-7. CELD ID 24121.

2. Adams, G. 2009.

Nano-scale aligning tool used in the assembly of actin filaments
JC 23(3):8-10. CELD ID 24122.

3. Wieland, C. 2009.

More confirmation for dinosaur soft tissue and protein
JC 23(3):10-11. CELD ID 24123.

4. Carter, RW. 2009.

The slow, painful death of junk DNA
JC 23(3):12-13. CELD ID 24124.

5. Oard, MJ. 2009.

Evolutionary fossil-time ranges continue to expand
JC 23(3):14-15. CELD ID 24125.

6. Bergman, J. 2009.

The ape-to-human progression: the most common evolution icon is a fraud
JC 23(3):16-20. CELD ID 24126.

7. Weinberger, L. 2009.

Reading the Bible and understanding nature-Book review: The Bible, protestantism, and the rise of natural science by Peter Harrison
JC 23(3):21-25. CELD ID 24127.

8. Wieland, C. 2009.

Darwin dissent book-ultimately disappointing-Book review: Explore Evolution: The Arguments for and Against New-Darwinism by Stephen C. Meyer, Scott Minnich, Jonathan Moneymaker, Paul A. Nelson and Ralph Seelke
JC 23(3):25-26. CELD ID 24128.

9. Cosner, L. 2009.

Another critique of Intelligent Design fails-Book review: Why Intelligent Design Fails: A Scientific Critique of the New Creationism edited by Matt Young and Taner Edis
JC 23(3):27-30. CELD ID 24129.

10. Kulikovsky, A. 2009.

A revealing look at the world's religious belief systems-Book review: Discovering God by Rodney Stark
JC 23(3):31-34. CELD ID 24130.

11. Weinberger, L. 2009.

Grand undertaking-Book review: God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? by John C. Lennox
JC 23(3):35-38. CELD ID 24131.

12. Woodmorappe, J. 2009.

Evolution cladograms and malevolent, strawmen creationists-Book review: Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters by Donald R. Prothero
JC 23(3):39-43. CELD ID 24132.

13. Kulikovsky, A. 2009.

Dancing between scientism and heterodoxy-Book review: The Dance Between Science and Faith by Nick Hawkes
JC 23(3):44-48. CELD ID 24133.

14. Froede, CR. 2009.

Letter to the Editor: On the origin of lunar maria
JC 23(3):49. CELD ID 24134.

15. Olson, RS. 2009.

Letter to the Editor: Constellations: legacy of the dispersion from Babel
JC 23(3):50. CELD ID 24135.

16. Henry, J. 2009.

Letter to the Editor: Jonathan Henry Replies
JC 23(3):50. CELD ID 24136.

17. Herrmann, RA. 2009.

About Humphrey's "new" metric
JC 23(3):50-52. CELD ID 24137.

18. Humphreys, DR. 2009.

Letter to the Editor: Russell Humphreys replies
JC 23(3):52. CELD ID 24138.

19. Woolley, J. 2009.

Letter to the Editor: On interpreting deep sea data as evidence of Milankovitch cycles
JC 23(3):52. CELD ID 24139.

20. Baumgardner, J. 2009.

Letter to the Editor: Microdiamonds found in Japanese forearc
JC 23(3):53-54. CELD ID 24140.

21. Oard, M. 2009.

Letter to the Editor: Michael Oard replies
JC 23(3):54-55. CELD ID 24141.

22. Howard, ML. 2009.

Therefore it was called Babel
JC 23(3):56-57. CELD ID 24142.

23. Walker, T. 2009.

Vertical "logs" in Box Head sandstone are most likely iron concretions
JC 23(3):58-60. CELD ID 24143.

24. Oard, MJ. 2009.

How many impact craters should there be on the earth?
JC 23(3):61-69. CELD ID 24144.

25. Cosner, L. 2009.

Christ as the last Adam: Paul's use of the creation narrative in 1 Corinthians 15
JC 23(3):70-75. CELD ID 24145.

26. Karle, KH. 2009.

Young evidences in an ancient landscape: part 1-the Eastern Structure Front of the Appalachian Mountains
JC 23(3):76-83. CELD ID 24146.

27. Hunter, M. 2009.

Ophiolites: oceanic lithosphere mixed with continental lithosphere during the Genesis Flood
JC 23(3):84-89. CELD ID 24147.

28. Zimmermann, A. 2009.

Marxism, law and evolution: Marxist law in both theory and practice
JC 23(3):90-97. CELD ID 24148.

29. Oard, MJ. 2009.

Venus impacts are not evidence against an astronomical trigger for the Flood
JC 23(3):98-102. CELD ID 24149.

30. Henry, JF. 2009.

Christian apologists should abandon the big bang
JC 23(3):103-109. CELD ID 24150.

31. Bergman, J. 2009.

C.S. Lewis: creationist and anti-evolutionist
JC 23(3):110-115. CELD ID 24151.

32. Heerema, S. 2009.

A magmatic model for the origin of large salt formations
JC 23(3):116-118. CELD ID 24152.

33. Graves, DG. 2009.

"… when Yahweh God made the earth and the heavens,"-a proposal for the right translation of beyom. [beyom] in Genesis 2:4
JC 23(3):119-122. CELD ID 24153.

34. Woetzel, D. 2009.

Evolutionists retreating from the arena of science
JC 23(3):123-127. CELD ID 24154.

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