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Contents of Journal of Creation 23(1)

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1. Hartnett, J. 2009.

Crisis in cosmology continues with conference of big-bang dissidents
JC 23(1):3-5. CELD ID 24054.

2. Doyle, S. 2009.

Evolution of multicellularity: what is required?
JC 23(1):5-7. CELD ID 24055.

3. Spencer, W. 2009.

Ganymede: the surprisingly magnetic moon
JC 23(1):8-9. CELD ID 24056.

4. Silvestru, E. 2009.

Mineral evolution: what's next? Geobiology or biogeology?
JC 23(1):10-11. CELD ID 24057.

5. Doyle, S. 2009.

Panderichthys-a fish with fingers?
JC 23(1):11-13. CELD ID 24058.

6. Oard, MJ. 2009.

Dancing dinosaurs?
JC 23(1):13-15. CELD ID 24059.

7. Sarfati, J. 2009.

Butterfly brilliance
JC 23(1):15-16. CELD ID 24060.

8. Cosner, L. 2009.

Apologetic against atheism flawed by theistic evolutionary stance
JC 23(1):17-19. CELD ID 24061.

9. Woodmorappe, J. 2009.

Miller's meanderings: only the same bogus contentions-Book review: Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul by Kenneth Miller
JC 23(1):19-23. CELD ID 24062.

10. Murata, M. 2009.

God-centred or man-centred?-Book review: Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach by Vern Poythress
JC 23(1):23-24. CELD ID 24063.

11. Weinberger, L. 2009.

An 'introduction', in-depth-Book review: The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems by William A. Dembski and Jonathan Wells
JC 23(1):25-29. CELD ID 24064.

12. Mitchell, C. 2009.

Is the fish really our ancestor?-Book review: Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body
JC 23(1):29-32. CELD ID 24065.

13. Tapp, B. 2009.

Visual evidence for Noah's Flood-Book review: Flood by Design: Receding Water Shapes the Earth's Surface by Mike Oard
JC 23(1):33-35. CELD ID 24066.

14. Kay, M. 2009.

Not God, actually!-God, Actually by Roy Williams
JC 23(1):35-39. CELD ID 24067.

15. Carter, RW. 2009.

The Neandertal mitochondrial genome does not support evolution
JC 23(1):40-43. CELD ID 24068.

16. Bernitt, R. 2009.

Letter to the editor: New time dilation helps creation cosmology
JC 23(1):44. CELD ID 24069.

17. Humphreys, R. 2009.

Letter to the editor: Russ Humphreys replies
JC 23(1):44. CELD ID 24070.

18. Patson, N. 2009.

Letter to the editor: The Design Paradigm
JC 23(1):45. CELD ID 24071.

19. Henrickson, J. 2009.

Letter to the editor: Janet Henricksen replies
JC 23(1):45. CELD ID 24072.

20. Borger, P. 2009.

Letter to the editor: Taking a crack at the Neandertal mitochondrial genome
JC 23(1):46-47. CELD ID 24073.

21. Carter, R. 2009.

Letter to the editor: Robert Carter replies
JC 23(1):47-49. CELD ID 24074.

22. Down, D. 2009.

The Hittites-second time round
JC 23(1):50-55. CELD ID 24075.

23. Olaussen, VK. 2009.

How convincing are the arguments for a new Egyptian chronology?
JC 23(1):56-61. CELD ID 24076.

24. Herrmann, RA. 2009.

The two meanings for modern intelligent design
JC 23(1):62-69. CELD ID 24077.

25. Carter, R. 2009.

The Neutral Model of evolution and recent African origins
JC 23(1):70-77. CELD ID 24078.

26. Hennigan, T. 2009.

Toward a biblical basis for ecology, with applications in mycorrhizal symbioses in orchids
JC 23(1):78-85. CELD ID 24079.

27. Kulikovsky, AS. 2009.

Creation, preservation and dominion: part 1-God, humanity and the created order
JC 23(1):86-93. CELD ID 24080.

28. Lightner, JK. 2009.

Karyotypic and allelic diversity within the canid baramin (Canidae)
JC 23(1):94-98. CELD ID 24081.

29. Borger, P. 2009.

The design of life: part 3 an introduction to variation-inducing genetic elements
JC 23(1):99-106. CELD ID 24082.

30. Borger, P. 2009.

The design of life: part 4-variation-inducing genetic elements and their function
JC 23(1):107-114. CELD ID 24083.

31. Oard, MJ. 2009.

Many arches and natural bridges likely from the Flood
JC 23(1):115-118. CELD ID 24084.

32. Cosner, L. 2009.

G.K. Chesterton: Darwinism is 'an attack upon thought itself'
JC 23(1):119-122. CELD ID 24085.

33. Sibley, A. 2009.

Bathybius haeckelii and a 'reign of terror'
JC 23(1):123-127. CELD ID 24086.

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