1. Oard, MJ. 2008. What is the meaning of dropstones in the rock record?JC 22(3):3-5. CELD ID 22189.
What is the meaning of dropstones in the rock record?
2. Sarfati, J. 2008. Nucleic acid bases in Murchison meterorite? Have they proved that life came from outer space?JC 22(3):5-7. CELD ID 22190.
Nucleic acid bases in Murchison meterorite? Have they proved that life came from outer space?
3. Humphreys, DR. 2008. Mercury's magnetic field is young!JC 22(3):8-9. CELD ID 22191.
Mercury's magnetic field is young!
4. Sarfati, J. 2008. Germ's miniature motor has a clutchJC 22(3):9-11. CELD ID 22192.
Germ's miniature motor has a clutch
5. Tapp, B. 2008. Another attempt to calibrate AR-Ar dating methodsJC 22(3):11-12. CELD ID 22193.
Another attempt to calibrate AR-Ar dating methods
6. Oard, MJ. 2008. What is the meaning of ophiolites?JC 22(3):13-15. CELD ID 22194.
What is the meaning of ophiolites?
7. Doyle, S. 2008. Large scale function for 'endogenous retroviruses'JC 22(3):16. CELD ID 22195.
Large scale function for 'endogenous retroviruses'
8. Walker, T. 2008. More evidence of Noah's Flood this time from MongoliaJC 22(3):17. CELD ID 22196.
More evidence of Noah's Flood this time from Mongolia
9. Liu, Y. 2008. The immunoglobulin heavy chain gene family and gene duplicationJC 22(3):18-20. CELD ID 22197.
The immunoglobulin heavy chain gene family and gene duplication
10. Cosner, L. 2008. Book review: There is a God: How The World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed his Mind by Antony FlewJC 22(3):21-24. CELD ID 22198.
Book review: There is a God: How The World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed his Mind by Antony Flew
11. Wieland, C. 2008. Book review: The Hobbit Trap: Money, Fame, Science and the Discovery of a 'New Species' by Maciej Henneberg and John SchofieldJC 22(3):25-27. CELD ID 22199.
Book review: The Hobbit Trap: Money, Fame, Science and the Discovery of a 'New Species' by Maciej Henneberg and John Schofield
12. Cosner, L. 2008. Book review: The irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Hawkins, and Hitchens by Vox DayJC 22(3):28-31. CELD ID 22200.
Book review: The irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Hawkins, and Hitchens by Vox Day
13. Kulikovsky, AS. 2008. Book review: From Creation to New Creation by Bernhard W. AndersonJC 22(3):32-34. CELD ID 22201.
Book review: From Creation to New Creation by Bernhard W. Anderson
14. Thomas, B. 2008. Book review: God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkiins, Harris, and Hitchens by John F. HaughtJC 22(3):35-37. CELD ID 22202.
Book review: God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkiins, Harris, and Hitchens by John F. Haught
15. Mouton, H. 2008. Letter to the Editor: MutationsJC 22(3):38. CELD ID 22203.
Letter to the Editor: Mutations
16. Williams, A. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Alex Williams repliesJC 22(3):38-39. CELD ID 22204.
Letter to the Editor: Alex Williams replies
17. Bernitt, R. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Is Darius the king from Ezra?JC 22(3):39. CELD ID 22205.
Letter to the Editor: Is Darius the king from Ezra?
18. Austin, D. 2008. Letter to the Editor: David Austin repliesJC 22(3):39. CELD ID 22206.
Letter to the Editor: David Austin replies
19. Froede, CR. 2008. Harmony between the Bible and Precambrian geology-too favourable to naturalismJC 22(3):40-41. CELD ID 22207.
Harmony between the Bible and Precambrian geology-too favourable to naturalism
20. Reed, J; Oard, MJ. 2008. Precambrian dissonanceJC 22(3):42-44. CELD ID 22208.
Precambrian dissonance
21. Hunter, MJ. 2008. The Precambrian and the biblical record-harmony or contradiction?JC 22(3):45-46. CELD ID 22209.
The Precambrian and the biblical record-harmony or contradiction?
22. Dickens, H; Snelling , AA. 2008. Precambrian geology and the Bible, no dissonance or contradictionJC 22(3):47-50. CELD ID 22210.
Precambrian geology and the Bible, no dissonance or contradiction
23. Austin, D. 2008. Three chronological periods of the Old TestamentJC 22(3):51-58. CELD ID 22211.
Three chronological periods of the Old Testament
24. Bergman, J. 2008. Birth control leader Margaret Sanger: Darwinist, racist and eugenicistJC 22(3):62-67. CELD ID 22214.
Birth control leader Margaret Sanger: Darwinist, racist and eugenicist
25. Borger, P. 2008. Evidence for the design of life: part 2-BaranomesJC 22(3):68-76. CELD ID 22215.
Evidence for the design of life: part 2-Baranomes
26. De Repentigny, MB. 2008. Looking for the God Particle at the Large Hadron ColliderJC 22(3):77-83. CELD ID 22216.
Looking for the God Particle at the Large Hadron Collider
27. Humphreys, DR. 2008. New time dilation helps creation cosmologyJC 22(3):84-92. CELD ID 22217.
New time dilation helps creation cosmology
28. Henry, JF. 2008. Constellations: legacy of the dispersion from BabelJC 22(3):93-100. CELD ID 22218.
Constellations: legacy of the dispersion from Babel
29. Samec, RG. 2008. On the origin of lunar mariaJC 22(3):101-108. CELD ID 22219.
On the origin of lunar maria
30. Zimmermann, A. 2008. The Darwinian roots of the Nazi legal systemJC 22(3):109-114. CELD ID 22220.
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi legal system
31. Reed, J. 2008. Cuvier's analogy and its consequences: forensics vs testimony as historical evidenceJC 22(3):115-120. CELD ID 22221.
Cuvier's analogy and its consequences: forensics vs testimony as historical evidence
32. Smith, BW. 2008. Why young-age creationism is good for scienceJC 22(3):121-127. CELD ID 22222.
Why young-age creationism is good for science