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Contents of Journal of Creation 22(2)

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1. Walker, T. 2008.

Geological pioneer was a biblical creationist
JC 22(2):93-98. CELD ID 22154.

2. Humphreys, DR. 2008.

Magnetic message from Mercury
JC 22(2):3. CELD ID 22158.

3. Oard, MJ. 2008.

Southern Greenland-war and ice free!
JC 22(2):4-6. CELD ID 22159.

4. Doyle, S. 2008.

Serial cell differentiation: intricate system of design
JC 22(2):6-8. CELD ID 22160.

5. Oard, MJ. 2008.

The paradox of warm-climate vegetation in Antarctica
JC 22(2):8-10. CELD ID 22161.

6. Spencer, W. 2008.

Mars' catastrophic geology
JC 22(2):10-11. CELD ID 22162.

7. Hartnett, J. 2008.

Youngest and brightest galaxy...or is it?
JC 22(2):11-12. CELD ID 22163.

8. Borger, P; Truman, R. 2008.

The FOXP2 gene supports Neandertals being fully human
JC 22(2):13-14. CELD ID 22164.

9. Walker, T. 2008.

Mudd experiments overturn long-held geological beliefs
JC 22(2):14-15. CELD ID 22165.

10. Spencer, W. 2008.

Extrasolar planets with organic materials
JC 22(2):16. CELD ID 22166.

11. Weinberger, L. 2008.

Book review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design by Jonathan Wells
JC 22(2):17-20. CELD ID 22167.

12. Oard, MJ. 2008.

Book review: The Doctrines of Genesis 1-11: A Compendium and Defense of Traditional Catholic Theology on Origins
JC 22(2):21-22. CELD ID 22168.

13. Weinberger, L. 2008.

Book review: Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith by Philip Kitcher
JC 22(2):23-27. CELD ID 22169.

14. Weinberg, L. 2008.

Book review: Science's Blind Spot: The Unseen Religion of Scientific Naturalism by Cornelius Hunter
JC 22(2):28-31. CELD ID 22170.

15. Cosner, L. 2008.

Book review: What's So Great About Christianity? by Dinesh D'Souza
JC 22(2):32-35. CELD ID 22171.

16. Oard, MJ. 2008.

An ancient 'ice age' deposit attributed to subaqueous mass flow-again!
JC 22(2):36-39. CELD ID 22172.

17. Doyle, S. 2008.

Vestigial arguments: remnants of evolution
JC 22(2):40-42. CELD ID 22173.

18. Klassen, A. 2008.

Letter to the Editor: Science and faith: friends or foes?
JC 22(2):43-44. CELD ID 22174.

19. Kulikovsky, A. 2008.

Letter to the Editor: Andrew Kulikovsky replies
JC 22(2):44-45. CELD ID 22175.

20. Austin, D. 2008.

Is Darius, the king of Ezra 6:14-15, the same king as the Artaxerxes of Ezra7:1?
JC 22(2):46-52. CELD ID 22176.

21. Henriksen, J. 2008.

The design paradigm
JC 22(2):53-59. CELD ID 22177.

22. Williams, A. 2008.

Mutations: evolution's engine becomes evolution's end!
JC 22(2):60-66. CELD ID 22178.

23. Bergman, J. 2008.

Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms?
JC 22(2):67-74. CELD ID 22179.

24. Hartnett, J. 2008.

Is the 'Fingers of God' effect evidence for a galactocentric universe
JC 22(2):75-78. CELD ID 22180.

25. Borger, P. 2008.

Evidence for the design of life: part 1-genetic redundancy
JC 22(2):79-84. CELD ID 22181.

26. Williams, A. 2008.

How life works
JC 22(2):85-91. CELD ID 22182.

27. Bergman, J; O'Sullivan, N. 2008.

Did immune system antibody diversity evolve?
JC 22(2):92-96. CELD ID 22183.

28. Williams, A. 2008.

Molecular limits to natural variation
JC 22(2):97-104. CELD ID 22184.

29. Cosner, L. 2008.

Romans 5:12-21: Paul's view of a literal Adam
JC 22(2):105-107. CELD ID 22185.

30. Sibley, A. 2008.

A fresh look at Nebraska man
JC 22(2):108-113. CELD ID 22186.

31. Bergman, J. 2008.

The flat-earth myth and creationism
JC 22(2):114-120. CELD ID 22187.

32. Reed, J. 2008.

St Hutton's hagiography
JC 22(2):121-127. CELD ID 22188.

33. Graves, DG. 2008.

The land enjoys rest for eighty years
JC 22(2):55. CELD ID 22212.

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