1. Silvestru, E. 2008. Water inside fireJC 22(1):3-4. CELD ID 22120.
Water inside fire
2. Oard, MJ. 2008. Modern-looking lampreys 'older' than thoughtJC 22(1):5. CELD ID 22121.
Modern-looking lampreys 'older' than thought
3. Williams, A. 2008. Myriad mechanisms of gene regulationJC 22(1):5-7. CELD ID 22122.
Myriad mechanisms of gene regulation
4. Junker, R. 2008. Morphology and molecules in conflict yet againJC 22(1):8. CELD ID 22123.
Morphology and molecules in conflict yet again
5. Wieland, C. 2008. Curved spines and pregnant primatesJC 22(1):9-11. CELD ID 22124.
Curved spines and pregnant primates
6. Oard, MJ. 2008. Dinosaur demise did not jump start mammal evolutionJC 22(1):11-12. CELD ID 22125.
Dinosaur demise did not jump start mammal evolution
7. Silvestru, E. 2008. Wild, wild floods!JC 22(1):12-14. CELD ID 22126.
Wild, wild floods!
8. Sarfati, J. 2008. Virus has powerful mini-motor to pack up its DNAJC 22(1):15-16. CELD ID 22127.
Virus has powerful mini-motor to pack up its DNA
9. Oard, MJ. 2008. How did 90% of large Australian ice age animals go extinct?JC 22(1):17-19. CELD ID 22128.
How did 90% of large Australian ice age animals go extinct?
10. Weinberger, L. 2008. Book review: Deluded by Dawkins? A Christian response to The God Delusion by Andrew WilsonJC 22(1):20-22. CELD ID 22129.
Book review: Deluded by Dawkins? A Christian response to The God Delusion by Andrew Wilson
11. Kulikovsky, A. 2008. Book review: Philosophical Foundation for a Christian Worldview by J.P. Moreland and William Lane CraigJC 22(1):23-27. CELD ID 22130.
Book review: Philosophical Foundation for a Christian Worldview by J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig
12. Batten, D. 2008. Book review: The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism by Michael J. BeheJC 22(1):28-32. CELD ID 22131.
Book review: The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism by Michael J. Behe
13. Weinberger, L. 2008. Book review: The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution by Richard DawkinsJC 22(1):37-40. CELD ID 22132.
Book review: The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution by Richard Dawkins
14. Bergman, J. 2008. Is the human pharynx poorly designed?JC 22(1):41-43. CELD ID 22133.
Is the human pharynx poorly designed?
15. Kulikovsky, AS. 2008. Creationism, science and peer reviewJC 22(1):44-49. CELD ID 22134.
Creationism, science and peer review
16. Heinze, T. 2008. Letter to the editor: Supersaturate mama may be significant for granite formationJC 22(1):50. CELD ID 22135.
Letter to the editor: Supersaturate mama may be significant for granite formation
17. Walker, T. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Tas Walker repliesJC 22(1):50. CELD ID 22136.
Letter to the Editor: Tas Walker replies
18. Esperante, R. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Volcanoes during creation weekJC 22(1):50-51. CELD ID 22137.
Letter to the Editor: Volcanoes during creation week
19. Walker, T. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Tas Walker repliesJC 22(1):61-52. CELD ID 22138.
20. Dingemans, M. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Time and InfinityJC 22(1):52-53. CELD ID 22139.
Letter to the Editor: Time and Infinity
21. Kulikovsky, A. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Andrew Kulikovsky repliesJC 22(1):53-54. CELD ID 22140.
Letter to the Editor: Andrew Kulikovsky replies
22. Worraker, W. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Explaining the Pioneer effect?JC 22(1):54. CELD ID 22141.
Letter to the Editor: Explaining the Pioneer effect?
23. Humphreys, R. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Russell Humphreys repliesJC 22(1):55-56. CELD ID 22142.
Letter to the Editor: Russell Humphreys replies
24. Humphreys, R. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Just plain ordinary water?JC 22(1):56-57. CELD ID 22143.
Letter to the Editor: Just plain ordinary water?
25. DeRemer, F; Dobberpuhl, D; Amunrud, M. 2008. Letter to the editor: Frank DeRemer, Delmar Dobberpuhl, and Mark Amunrud replyJC 22(1):57-58. CELD ID 22144.
Letter to the editor: Frank DeRemer, Delmar Dobberpuhl, and Mark Amunrud reply
26. Minge, B. 2008. Letter to the Editor: 215-year sojourn still 'short'JC 22(1):58-59. CELD ID 22145.
Letter to the Editor: 215-year sojourn still 'short'
27. Austin, D. 2008. Letter to the Editor: David Austin repliesJC 22(1):59-60. CELD ID 22146.
Letter to the Editor: David Austin replies
28. Viccary, M. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Mike Viccary repliesJC 22(1):60. CELD ID 22147.
Letter to the Editor: Mike Viccary replies
29. Green, AF. 2008. Letter to the Editor: Biblical chronologyJC 22(1):61. CELD ID 22148.
Letter to the Editor: Biblical chronology
30. Howard, ML. 2008. How long was Noah on the Ark?JC 22(1):62-. CELD ID 22149.
How long was Noah on the Ark?
31. Dickens, H; Snelling, AA. 2008. Precambrian geology and the Bible: a harmonyJC 22(1):65-72. CELD ID 22150.
Precambrian geology and the Bible: a harmony
32. Field, F. 2008. The language faculty: following the evidenceJC 22(1):73-80. CELD ID 22151.
The language faculty: following the evidence
33. Lightner, JK. 2008. Patterns of change over time: organophosphorus resistance in the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprinaJC 22(1):81-84. CELD ID 22152.
Patterns of change over time: organophosphorus resistance in the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina
34. Williams, A. 2008. Facilitate variation: a new paradigm emerges in biologyJC 22(1):85-92. CELD ID 22153.
Facilitate variation: a new paradigm emerges in biology
35. Truman, R; Borger, P. 2008. Genome truncation vs mutational opportunity: can new genes arise via gene duplication? -Part 1JC 22(1):99-110. CELD ID 22155.
Genome truncation vs mutational opportunity: can new genes arise via gene duplication? -Part 1
36. Truman, R; Borger, P. 2008. Genome truncation vs mutational opportunity: can new genes arise via gene duplication? -Part 2JC 22(1):111-119. CELD ID 22156.
Genome truncation vs mutational opportunity: can new genes arise via gene duplication? -Part 2
37. Weinberger, L. 2008. Whose god? The theological response to the god-of-the-gapsJC 22(1):120-127. CELD ID 22157.
Whose god? The theological response to the god-of-the-gaps