1. Oard, MJ. 2007. Fossil Embryos Deep in the Fossil RecordJC 21(3):3-5. CELD ID 19391.
Fossil Embryos Deep in the Fossil Record
2. Doyle, S. 2007. Big Birdosaur Blues: New Fossil Creates Problems for Dino-to-Bird EvolutionJC 21(3):5-6. CELD ID 19392.
Big Birdosaur Blues: New Fossil Creates Problems for Dino-to-Bird Evolution
3. Silvestru, E. 2007. Naracoorte Caves: An Archive in the DarkJC 21(3):6-8. CELD ID 19393.
Naracoorte Caves: An Archive in the Dark
4. Walker, T. 2007. Katrina's Splay Deposits: A Small Example of the Power of Flowing WaterJC 21(3):8-11. CELD ID 19394.
Katrina's Splay Deposits: A Small Example of the Power of Flowing Water
5. Doyle, S. 2007. Feathery Flight of Fancy: Alleged 'Protofeathers' Fail Under Close ScrutinyJC 21(3):11-12. CELD ID 19395.
Feathery Flight of Fancy: Alleged 'Protofeathers' Fail Under Close Scrutiny
6. Spencer, W. 2007. Migrating Planets and Migrating TheoriesJC 21(3):12-14. CELD ID 19396.
Migrating Planets and Migrating Theories
7. Oard, MJ. 2007. Evolutionary Origin of Life Even More DifficultJC 21(3):15-16. CELD ID 19397.
Evolutionary Origin of Life Even More Difficult
8. Jaroncyk, R. 2007. No More Love for Lucy?JC 21(3):17. CELD ID 19398.
No More Love for Lucy?
9. Walker, T. 2007. Terrible Lizards Trapped by Terrible FloodJC 21(3):18. CELD ID 19399.
Terrible Lizards Trapped by Terrible Flood
10. Oard, MJ. 2007. Astronomical Troubles for the Astronomical Hypothesis of Ice AgesJC 21(3):19-23. CELD ID 19400.
Astronomical Troubles for the Astronomical Hypothesis of Ice Ages
11. Bergman, J; Frair, W. 2007. Evidence for Turtle Evolution?JC 21(3):24-26. CELD ID 19401.
Evidence for Turtle Evolution?
12. Williams, A. 2007. Book review: The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution by Sean B. CarrollJC 21(3):27-31. CELD ID 19402.
Book review: The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution by Sean B. Carroll
13. Weinberger, L. 2007. Book review: Darwinism and Its Discontents by Michael RuseJC 21(3):32-36. CELD ID 19403.
Book review: Darwinism and Its Discontents by Michael Ruse
14. Kulikovsky, A. 2007. Book review: Science and Faith: Friends or Foes? by C. John CollinsJC 21(3):37-43. CELD ID 19404.
Book review: Science and Faith: Friends or Foes? by C. John Collins
15. Cosner, L. 2007. Book review: The Case for a Creator by Lee StrobelJC 21(3):44-46. CELD ID 19405.
Book review: The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel
16. De Repentigny, MB. 2007. Book review: The Cosmic Landscape by Leonard SusskindJC 21(3):47-52. CELD ID 19406.
Book review: The Cosmic Landscape by Leonard Susskind
17. Cosner, L. 2007. Book review: A Biblical Case for an Old Earth by David SnokeJC 21(3):52-54. CELD ID 19407.
Book review: A Biblical Case for an Old Earth by David Snoke
18. Hunter, MJ. 2007. Letter to the Editor: The Flood/post-Flood boundaryJC 21(3):58-59. CELD ID 19408.
Letter to the Editor: The Flood/post-Flood boundary
19. Oard, M. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Reply to HunterJC 21(3):59-60. CELD ID 19409.
Letter to the Editor: Reply to Hunter
20. Upton, J. 2007. Letter to the Editor: WMAP 'noisy' data?JC 21(3):60-61. CELD ID 19410.
Letter to the Editor: WMAP 'noisy' data?
21. Pierce, L. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Biblical chronology-our times are in his handsJC 21(3):61. CELD ID 19411.
Letter to the Editor: Biblical chronology-our times are in his hands
22. Viccary, M. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Reply to PierceJC 21(3):61. CELD ID 19412.
Letter to the Editor: Reply to Pierce
23. Bernitt, R. 2007. Letter to the Editor: The problems of traditional chronologyJC 21(3):61-62. CELD ID 19413.
Letter to the Editor: The problems of traditional chronology
24. Minge, B. 2007. Letter to the Editor: 'Short' sojourn comes up short?JC 21(3):62-64. CELD ID 19414.
Letter to the Editor: 'Short' sojourn comes up short?
25. Viccary, M. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Reply to MingeJC 21(3):64-65. CELD ID 19415.
Letter to the Editor: Reply to Minge
26. Austin, D. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Reply to MingeJC 21(3):65-66. CELD ID 19416.
27. Upton, J. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Pioneer anomaly: still unsolvedJC 21(3):66-67. CELD ID 19417.
Letter to the Editor: Pioneer anomaly: still unsolved
28. Humphreys, R. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Reply to UptonJC 21(3):67-68. CELD ID 19418.
Letter to the Editor: Reply to Upton
29. Sofield, JC. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Tidal considerationsJC 21(3):68. CELD ID 19419.
Letter to the Editor: Tidal considerations
30. Editor. 2007. Letter to the Editor: Reply to SofieldJC 21(3):68. CELD ID 19420.
Letter to the Editor: Reply to Sofield
31. Borger, P; Truman, R. 2007. The HAR1F Gene: A Darwinian ParadoxJC 21(3):55-57. CELD ID 19421.
The HAR1F Gene: A Darwinian Paradox
32. DeRemer, F; Amunrud, M; Dobberpuhl, D. 2007. Days 1-4JC 21(3):69-76. CELD ID 19422.
Days 1-4
33. Williams, A. 2007. Life's Irreducible Structure--Part 2: Naturalistic ObjectionsJC 21(3):77-83. CELD ID 19423.
Life's Irreducible Structure--Part 2: Naturalistic Objections
34. Truman, R; Borger, P. 2007. Genetic Code Optimisation: Part 2JC 21(3):84-92. CELD ID 19424.
Genetic Code Optimisation: Part 2
35. Kay, M. 2007. On Literary Theorists' Approach to Genesis 1: Part 2JC 21(3):93-101. CELD ID 19425.
On Literary Theorists' Approach to Genesis 1: Part 2
36. Ojala, PJ; Leisola, M. 2007. Haeckel: Legacy of Fraud to Popularise EvolutionJC 21(3):102-110. CELD ID 19426.
Haeckel: Legacy of Fraud to Popularise Evolution
37. Williams, A. 2007. Astonishing DNA Complexity Demolishes New-DarwinismJC 21(3):111-117. CELD ID 19427.
Astonishing DNA Complexity Demolishes New-Darwinism
38. Truman, R; Borger, P. 2007. Why the Shared Mutations in the Hominidae Exon X GULO Pseudogene are not Evidence for Common DescentJC 21(3):118-127. CELD ID 19428.
Why the Shared Mutations in the Hominidae Exon X GULO Pseudogene are not Evidence for Common Descent