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Contents of Journal of Creation 20(2)

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1. Samec, R. 2006.

No sign of gravitational lensing in the cosmic microwave background
JC 20(2):3. CELD ID 19116.

2. Line, P. 2006.

Connecting imaginary human evolution dots: the case of Australopithecus anamensis
JC 20(2):4-5. CELD ID 19117.

3. Oard, MJ. 2006.

Polar dinosaur conundrum
JC 20(2):6-7. CELD ID 19118.

4. Brennecke, S. 2006.

The bronze tree of Sanzingdui: the oldest man-made Genesis artefact?
JC 20(2):8-10. CELD ID 19119.

5. Hartnett, J. 2006.

CMB Conundrums
JC 20(2):10-11. CELD ID 19120.

6. Bishard, C. 2006.

Quantization of starlight redshift not from Hubble Law
JC 20(2):12-14. CELD ID 19121.

7. Weinberger, L. 2006.

Devouring a cannibal myth
JC 20(2):14-15. CELD ID 19122.

8. Biswas, C. 2006.

Founder mutations: evidence for evolution?
JC 20(2):16-17. CELD ID 19123.

9. Oard, M. 2006.

'Gastroliths' deposited by mass flow
JC 20(2):18-19. CELD ID 19124.

10. Kulikovsky, A. 2006.

Book review: On the Reliability of the Old Testament by Kenneth A. Kitchen
JC 20(2):20-23. CELD ID 19125.

11. DeRemer, F. 2006.

Book review: The Science of God: The Convergnece of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom by Gerald L. Schroeder
JC 20(2):24-29. CELD ID 19126.

12. ReMine, W. 2006.

Book review: Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe by Simon Conway Morris
JC 20(2):29-35. CELD ID 19127.

13. Oard, MJ. 2006.

Book review: Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume II: Results of a Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative edited by Larry Vardiman, Andrew A. Snelling and Eugene F. Chaffin
JC 20(2):36-41. CELD ID 19128.

14. Silvestru, E. 2006.

Flying dinosaurs, flightless dinosaurs and other evolutionary fantasies
JC 20(2):42-47. CELD ID 19129.

15. Truman, R. 2006.

Letters: Chimp genome sequence very different from man
JC 20(2):48-49. CELD ID 19130.

16. DeWitt, DA. 2006.

Letters: David DeWitt replies
JC 20(2):49-50. CELD ID 19131.

17. Murphy, D. 2006.

Letters: Maintaining respect for biblical teaching
JC 20(2):50-51. CELD ID 19132.

18. Taylor, J. 2006.

Letters: Justin Taylor replies
JC 20(2):51. CELD ID 19133.

19. Williams, PJ. 2006.

Letters: Problems with 'Searching for Moses' article
JC 20(2):52. CELD ID 19134.

20. Down, D. 2006.

Letters: David Down replies
JC 20(2):52. CELD ID 19135.

21. Henry, J. 2006.

The elements of the universe point to creation: introduction to a critique of nucleosynthesis theory
JC 20(2):53-60. CELD ID 19136.

22. DeYoung, D. 2006.

Letters: Invitation from Creation Research Society
JC 20(2):52. CELD ID 19137.

23. Froede, CR. 2006.

The rapid formation of siliciclastic statigraphy: an example form Panama City Beach, Florida (USA)
JC 20(2):61-64. CELD ID 19138.

24. Henry, J. 2006.

The moon's recession and age
JC 20(2):65-70. CELD ID 19139.

25. Oard, M; Hergenrather, J; Klevberg, P. 2006.

Flood transported quartzites: Part 2-west of the Rocky Mountains
JC 20(2):71-81. CELD ID 19140.

26. Liu, Y; Moran, D. 2006.

Do new functions arise by gene duplication?
JC 20(2):82-89. CELD ID 19141.

27. Truman, R. 2006.

Searching for needles in a haystack
JC 20(2):90-99. CELD ID 19142.

28. Starbuck, R. 2006.

Pleiades and Orion: two ancient Hebrew words
JC 20(2):100-103. CELD ID 19143.

29. Murdock, M. 2006.

These apes were made for walking: the pelves of Australopithecus afarensis and Australopithecus africanus
JC 20(2):104-112. CELD ID 19144.

30. Woodmorappe, J. 2006.

Are soft-sediment trace fossils (ichnofossils) a time problem for the Flood?
JC 20(2):113-122. CELD ID 19145.

31. Callaway, M. 2006.

Does logic need faith?
JC 20(2):123-127. CELD ID 19146.

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