1. Rusk, WR; Schewitzer, GK . 1956. Modern CosmogonyJASA 8(1):2-15. CELD ID 168.
Modern Cosmogony
2. Sinclair, JC. 1956. CreationJASA 8(1):16-18. CELD ID 169.
3. Knobloch, IW. 1956. On the recapitulation theory in biologyJASA 8(1):21-22. CELD ID 170.
On the recapitulation theory in biology
4. Clark, GH. 1956. A note on science and moralityJASA 8(1):24-25. CELD ID 171.
A note on science and morality
5. Karkalits, OC. 1956. Book review: Christian Faith and Natural Science by Karl HeimJASA 8(1):19-20. CELD ID 13202.
Book review: Christian Faith and Natural Science by Karl Heim
6. Tinkle, WT. 1956. Book review: Conversation with the Earth by Hans CloosJASA 8(1):20-21. CELD ID 13203.
Book review: Conversation with the Earth by Hans Cloos
7. Rees, DV. 1956. LetterJASA 8(1):25-26. CELD ID 13204.