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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 38(3)

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1. Bube, RH. 1986.

The Relationship Between Scientific and Theological Descriptions
JASA 38(3):154-163. CELD ID 1384.

2. Van Till, HJ. 1986.

The Legend of the Shrinking Sun - A Case Study Comparing Professional Science and 'Creation-Science' in Action
JASA 38(3):164-174. CELD ID 1385.

3. Hummel, CE. 1986.

Interpreting Genesis One
JASA 38(3):175-185. CELD ID 1386.

4. Moberg, DO. 1986.

Spirituality and Science - The Progress, Problems, and Promise of Scientific Research on Spiritual Well-Being
JASA 38(3):186-194. CELD ID 1387.

5. MacKay, DM. 1986.

Summing up of ASA/RSCF Conference: Oxford University, July 1985
JASA 38(3):195-203. CELD ID 1388.

6. Haas, JW. 1986.

Integrity in Science - A Chistian Response
JASA 38(3):204-206. CELD ID 1389.

7. Frey, R. 1986.

Semantic Problems in the Creation-Evolution Debate
JASA 38(3):206-207. CELD ID 1390.

8. Nilson, BG. 1986.

Humanism Today and its Influence on Science and Western Thought
JASA 38(3):207-210. CELD ID 1391.

9. Seeger, RJ. 1986.

Dalton, Natural Philosopher
JASA 38(3):210-211. CELD ID 1392.

10. Crumb, DG. 1986.

Presuppositional Problems with Murphy
JASA 38(3):223-224. CELD ID 1393.

11. Palen, JW. 1986.

Reflections from Murphy
JASA 38(3):223. CELD ID 1394.

12. Bullock, WL. 1986.

Putting things in perspective
JASA 38(3):153. CELD ID 22528.

13. Thorson, WR. 1986.

Book review: Reality and Scientific Theology
JASA 38(3):212-214. CELD ID 22529.

14. Bube, RH. 1986.

Book review: The Galileo Connection: Resolving Conflicts between Science and the Bible
JASA 38(3):214. CELD ID 22530.

15. Bube, RH. 1986.

Book review: The Fourth Day: What the Bible and the Heavens Are Telling Us about the Creation
JASA 38(3):214-215. CELD ID 22531.

16. Bullock WL. 1986.

Book review: Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview
JASA 38(3):216. CELD ID 22532.

17. Cantore, E. 1986.

Book review: Galileo and His Sources: The Heritage of the Collegio Romano in Galileo's Science
JASA 38(3):216-218. CELD ID 22533.

18. McKenna, J. 1986.

Book review: The Mediation of Christ
JASA 38(3):218. CELD ID 22534.

19. McKenna, J. 1986.

Book review: Transformation and Convergence in the Frame of Knowledge
JASA 38(3):218-219. CELD ID 22535.

20. Thorson, WR. 1986.

Book review: Everyman Revived: The Common Sense of Michael Polanyi
JASA 38(3):220. CELD ID 22536.

21. Gustafson, JW. 1986.

Book review: Metaphor and Religious Language
JASA 38(3):220-221. CELD ID 22537.

22. Martin, JM. 1986.

Book review: The Christian Story
JASA 38(3):221. CELD ID 22538.

23. Bube, RH. 1986.

Book review: Idols of Our Time
JASA 38(3):221-222. CELD ID 22539.

24. Howard, IK. 1986.

Book review: The Stress Myth: Why the Pressures of Life Don't Have to Get You Down
JASA 38(3):222-223. CELD ID 22540.

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