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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 36(4)

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1. Templeton, JM. 1984.

God Reveals Himself in the Astronomical and in the Infinitesimal
JASA 36(4):194-200. CELD ID 1303.

2. Neidhardt, WJ. 1984.

The Anthropic Principle: A Religious Response
JASA 36(4):201-208. CELD ID 1304.

3. Hyers, C. 1984.

The Narrative Form of Genesis 1: Cosmogonic, Yes; Scientific, No
JASA 36(4):208-215. CELD ID 1305.

4. Jennings, GJ. 1984.

The Future of Supernaturalism in Religion: The Middle Eastern Case
JASA 36(4):216-226. CELD ID 1306.

5. Habert, EW. 1984.

Christian teacher - secular college: a paradox
JASA 36(4):227-234. CELD ID 1307.

6. MacKay, DM. 1984.

Objectivity in Christian Perspective
JASA 36(4):235-237. CELD ID 1308.

7. Bergman, J. 1984.

Single Theory Myopia
JASA 36(4):237-241. CELD ID 1309.

8. Seeger, RJ. 1984.

Priestly, Nonconformist Minister
JASA 36(4):241-242. CELD ID 1310.

9. McKay, DN. 1984.

Final Comment: The Last Word about Kessel and His Biological Interpretation of the Virgin Birth
JASA 36(4):255-256. CELD ID 1311.

10. Bube, RH. 1984.

An open letter to Inter-Varsity Press about Brave New People
JASA 36(4):256. CELD ID 1312.

11. Bullock, WL. 1984.

Exploring relationships
JASA 36(4):193. CELD ID 22381.

12. Grounds, VC. 1984.

Encouragement from a friend
JASA 36(4):255. CELD ID 22382.

13. Seeger, RJ. 1984.

Book review: Education for Continuity and Change
JASA 36(4):243. CELD ID 22383.

14. Ruble, R. 1984.

Book review: Destined for Glory: The Meaning of Suffering
JASA 36(4):243-244. CELD ID 22384.

15. Clemenger, K. 1984.

Book review: The Teaching of Jesus
JASA 36(4):244-245. CELD ID 22385.

16. Seeger, RJ. 1984.

Book review: The Hard Sayings of Jesus
JASA 36(4):245. CELD ID 22386.

17. Jappe, F. 1984.

Book review: The Authoritative Word - Essays on the Nature of Scripture
JASA 36(4):245-246. CELD ID 22387.

18. Bube, RH. 1984.

Book review: Until Justice and Peace Embrace
JASA 36(4):246-247. CELD ID 22388.

19. Bullock, WL. 1984.

Book review: Who Is for Peace?
JASA 36(4):247-248. CELD ID 22389.

20. Neidhardt, J. 1984.

Book review: Rites of Life: The Scientific Evidence for Life before Birth
JASA 36(4):248-249. CELD ID 22390.

21. Seeger, R. 1984.

Book review: Sentenced to Life
JASA 36(4):249. CELD ID 22391.

22. Ruble, R. 1984.

Book review: Mere Morality
JASA 36(4):249. CELD ID 22392.

23. Martin, JM. 1984.

Book review: Living with Death
JASA 36(4):250. CELD ID 22393.

24. Bube, RH. 1984.

Book review: God's Truth: A Scientist Shows Why It Makes Sense to Believe the Bible
JASA 36(4):250-252. CELD ID 22394.

25. Brown, RJ. 1984.

Book review: The Source of Modern Atheism
JASA 36(4):252. CELD ID 22395.

26. Jappe, F. 1984.

Book review: Understanding the Christian Faith
JASA 36(4):252-253. CELD ID 22396.

27. Mixter, RL. 1984.

Book review: Anatomy of Reality, Merging of Intuition and Reason
JASA 36(4):253. CELD ID 22397.

28. Piersma, BJ. 1984.

Book review: The Bone Peddlers: Selling Evolution
JASA 36(4):253-254. CELD ID 22398.

29. Shacklett, RL. 1984.

Book review: God and the New Physics
JASA 36(4):254-255. CELD ID 22399.

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