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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 36(3)

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1. Yamauchi, EM. 1984.

The Proofs, Problems, and Promises of Biblical Archaeology
JASA 36(3):129-138. CELD ID 1293.

2. Atkins, RL. 1984.

Extravagant Claims in Bible Archaeology
JASA 36(3):139-141. CELD ID 1294.

3. Hyers, C. 1984.

Dinosaur Religion: On Interpreting and Misinterpreting the Creation Texts
JASA 36(3):142-148. CELD ID 1295.

4. Geisler, NL. 1984.

Is Creation-Science Science or Religion?
JASA 36(3):149-155. CELD ID 1296.

5. Young, DA. 1984.

Is 'creation-science' science or religion? - a response
JASA 36(3):156-158. CELD ID 1297.

6. Key, T. 1984.

How Long Were The Days of Genesis?
JASA 36(3):159-161. CELD ID 1298.

7. Kennard, DB. 1984.

A Christian Critique of Development Perspectives: Modernization and Dependency
JASA 36(3):162-168. CELD ID 1299.

8. Hermann, KW. 1984.

Orthodoxy and the Challenge of Positivist Biology
JASA 36(3):169-176. CELD ID 1300.

9. Brown, G. 1984.

Newcomb's Problem and Election
JASA 36(3):192. CELD ID 1301.

10. DeVilbiss, JW. 1984.

Creationism - Brother against Brother
JASA 36(3):192. CELD ID 1302.

11. Menninga, C. 1984.

Book review: Science, Scripture and the Young Earth
JASA 36(3):177-178. CELD ID 22361.

12. Bube, RH. 1984.

Book review: Is God a Creationist? The Religious Case Against Creation-Science
JASA 36(3):178-180. CELD ID 22362.

13. Mixter, RL. 1984.

Book review: Just before the Origin: Alfred Russel Wallace's Theory of Evolution
JASA 36(3):180. CELD ID 22363.

14. Greenberg, JK. 1984.

Book review: A Case for Creation
JASA 36(3):180-181. CELD ID 22364.

15. LaBar, M. 1984.

Book review: God Did It, But How?
JASA 36(3):181-182. CELD ID 22365.

16. Jappe, F. 1984.

Book review: The Genesis Connection
JASA 36(3):182-183. CELD ID 22366.

17. LaBar, M. 1984.

Book review: Angels, Apes, & Men
JASA 36(3):183. CELD ID 22367.

18. Rothrock, PE. 1984.

Book review: Evolution: Nature and Scripture in Conflict?
JASA 36(3):184. CELD ID 22368.

19. Sullivan, WJ. 1984.

Book review: The Faith of the Church
JASA 36(3):184-185. CELD ID 22369.

20. Weaver, GR. 1984.

Book review: Epistemology: The Justification of Belief
JASA 36(3):185-186. CELD ID 22370.

21. Tiemstra, JP. 1984.

Book review: The Causes of World Hunger
JASA 36(3):186. CELD ID 22371.

22. Pace, DK. 1984.

Book review: Social Justice and the Christian Church
JASA 36(3):186-187. CELD ID 22372.

23. Ruble, R. 1984.

Book review: Steps on the Stairway
JASA 36(3):187. CELD ID 22373.

24. LaBar, M. 1984.

Book review: Abortion & the Early Church: Christian, Jewish & Pagan Attitudes in the Greco-Roman World
JASA 36(3):187-188. CELD ID 22374.

25. Martin, JM. 1984.

Book review: God's Mountain
JASA 36(3):188. CELD ID 22375.

26. Seeger, R. 1984.

Book review: Just as I Am
JASA 36(3):188-189. CELD ID 22376.

27. Johnson, MR. 1984.

Book review: The Harmony Within: The Spiritual Vision of George MacDonald
JASA 36(3):189. CELD ID 22377.

28. Neidhardt, J. 1984.

Book review: Race for Life: The Joel Sonnenberg Story
JASA 36(3):189-190. CELD ID 22378.

29. Siekmeier, TL. 1984.

Book review: Faith at the Blackboard: Issues Facing the Christian Teacher
JASA 36(3):190-191. CELD ID 22379.

30. LaBar, M. 1984.

Book review: God's Grace & Human Health
JASA 36(3):191. CELD ID 22380.

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