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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 34(4)

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1. Van Leeuwen, MS. 1982.

I.Q.ism and the Just Society: Historical Background
JASA 34(4):193-201. CELD ID 1196.

2. Bassett, R; Basinger, D; Livermore, P. 1982.

Lying in the Laboratory: Deception in Human Research from Psychological, Philosophical and Theological Perspectives
JASA 34(4):201-212. CELD ID 1197.

3. Spaling, HH. 1982.

Land and Life: The Threatened Link
JASA 34(4):212-218. CELD ID 1198.

4. Aulie, RP. 1982.

The Post-Darwinian Controversies [part 4 of 4]
JASA 34(4):219-224. CELD ID 1199.

5. Bube, RH. 1982.

Biological Control of Human Life
JASA 34(4):225-231. CELD ID 1200.

6. Atkins, RL. 1982.

The Plastic World and the Bible
JASA 34(4):232-233. CELD ID 1201.

7. Watts, WW. 1982.

Why Christians Are Afraid of Science
JASA 34(4):233-236. CELD ID 1202.

8. Cobern, WW. 1982.

The Church, Education and Third World Development
JASA 34(4):236-239. CELD ID 1203.

9. Hsieh, T. 1982.

Integration Efforts of Some Christian Psychology Faculty
JASA 34(4):239-241. CELD ID 1204.

10. Ratcliff, D. 1982.

Bahavioral Psychology in the Sunday School Classroom
JASA 34(4):241-243. CELD ID 1205.

11. Slade, RM. 1982.

Existentialism and Contemporary Morality
JASA 34(4):243-245. CELD ID 1206.

12. Jappe, F. 1982.

Book review: Cosmos
JASA 34(4):246-247. CELD ID 22250.

13. Wineland, S. 1982.

Book review: Space, Time and Incarnation
JASA 34(4):248-249. CELD ID 22251.

14. Spellman, PW. 1982.

Book review: Roots of Western Culture: Pagan, Secular, and Christian Options
JASA 34(4):249. CELD ID 22252.

15. Ruble, R. 1982.

Book review: Loneliness
JASA 34(4):250. CELD ID 22253.

16. Ruble, R. 1982.

Book review: Speech, Silence, Action! The Cycle of Faith
JASA 34(4):250. CELD ID 22254.

17. Kubricht, P. 1982.

Book review: History in the Making. An Introduction to the Study of the Past
JASA 34(4):250-251. CELD ID 22255.

18. Cobern, WW. 1982.

Book review: What Is Science?: An Introduction to the Structure and Methodology of Science
JASA 34(4):251. CELD ID 22256.

19. McGhee, PS. 1982.

Book review: Psychology and Alchemy
JASA 34(4):251-252. CELD ID 22257.

20. Hjelmfelt, DC. 1982.

Book review: Karl Marx: A Christian Assessment of His Life and Thought
JASA 34(4):252. CELD ID 22258.

21. Thompson, DC. 1982.

Book review: Our Fragile Brains: A Christian Perspective on Brain Research
JASA 34(4):252-253. CELD ID 22259.

22. McNeel, SP. 1982.

Book review: Don't Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide
JASA 34(4):253-254. CELD ID 22260.

23. Ruble, R. 1982.

Book review: Between Faith and Tears
JASA 34(4):254. CELD ID 22261.

24. Seevers, RH. 1982.

Book review: Christianity Challenges the University
JASA 34(4):254-255. CELD ID 22262.

25. Bube, RH. 1982.

Book review: Circumstantial Evidence
JASA 34(4):255-256. CELD ID 22263.

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