1. Berry, CM. 1982. The Nature of the Transitions of GrowthJASA 34(2):65-70. CELD ID 1160.
The Nature of the Transitions of Growth
2. Feucht, DL. 1982. Some Implications of Artificial Intelligence ResearchJASA 34(2):71-76. CELD ID 1161.
Some Implications of Artificial Intelligence Research
3. Sherratt, T. 1982. By What Authority: Verification of Theories in the Social Sciences. A Christian PerspectiveJASA 34(2):77-83. CELD ID 1162.
By What Authority: Verification of Theories in the Social Sciences. A Christian Perspective
4. Skillen, JW. 1982. Security in Morality in Planning for U.S. DefenseJASA 34(2):84-89. CELD ID 1163.
Security in Morality in Planning for U.S. Defense
5. Aulie, RP. 1982. The Post-Darwinian Controversies [part 2 of 4]JASA 34(2):90-95. CELD ID 1164.
The Post-Darwinian Controversies [part 2 of 4]
6. Seeger, RJ. 1982. Pascal, Passionate PilgrimJASA 34(2):96-97. CELD ID 1165.
Pascal, Passionate Pilgrim
7. Frisby, TL. 1982. Descriptive and Ideal Psychological TheoryJASA 34(2):97-99. CELD ID 1166.
Descriptive and Ideal Psychological Theory
8. Shank, NE. 1982. Science and Finite ImaginationJASA 34(2):99-100. CELD ID 1167.
Science and Finite Imagination
9. Barger, GW. 1982. A Christian Sociology?JASA 34(2):100-104. CELD ID 1168.
A Christian Sociology?
10. Ward, TA. 1982. The Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin: An Evangelical CritiqueJASA 34(2):104-106. CELD ID 1169.
The Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin: An Evangelical Critique
11. Young, DA. 1982. Creationism and InerrancyJASA 34(2):106-107. CELD ID 1170.
Creationism and Inerrancy
12. Malloch, TR. 1982. Public Policy and the Alcohol Fuel BingeJASA 34(2):107-110. CELD ID 1171.
Public Policy and the Alcohol Fuel Binge
13. Daniels, SR. 1982. Towards a Theology of Church and ComputerJASA 34(2):110-112. CELD ID 1172.
Towards a Theology of Church and Computer
14. Krause, DJ. 1982. Author Responds to Critic [on apparent age]JASA 34(2):123-123. CELD ID 1173.
Author Responds to Critic [on apparent age]
15. Davis, EB. 1982. 135 Years LaterJASA 34(2):123-124. CELD ID 1174.
135 Years Later
16. Krause, DJ. 1982. Tentative Conclusions Based on Questionable SourcesJASA 34(2):124-124. CELD ID 1175.
Tentative Conclusions Based on Questionable Sources
17. Roy, R. 1982. Competitiveness and the 'True Sin of Sodom'JASA 34(2):124-125. CELD ID 1176.
Competitiveness and the 'True Sin of Sodom'
18. Gingerich, O. 1982. Tentative Conclusions Based on Questionable SourcesJASA 34(2):124-124. CELD ID 1177.
19. Mansell, BJ. 1982. Well-Informed but Without WisdomJASA 34(2):125-128. CELD ID 1178.
Well-Informed but Without Wisdom
20. Blair, R. 1982. Example of Evangelical ExcessJASA 34(2):125-125. CELD ID 1179.
Example of Evangelical Excess
21. Hawksley, R. 1982. Eliminate the TubeJASA 34(2):128-128. CELD ID 1180.
Eliminate the Tube