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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 33(4)

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1. Jones, DG. 1981.

The Relationship Between the Brain and the Mind
JASA 33(4):193-202. CELD ID 1134.

2. Bruce, DS. 1981.

Mechanical Man: A Christian Psychologist's Dilemma
JASA 33(4):202-207. CELD ID 1135.

3. McCauley, L. 1981.

Incest and Sexual Abuse: Approaching the Last Frontier
JASA 33(4):207-214. CELD ID 1136.

4. Young, PD. 1981.

The Neurotic Christian: Ecclesiogenic Neurosis
JASA 33(4):215-219. CELD ID 1137.

5. Flynn, CP. 1981.

Competition and Christian Ethics
JASA 33(4):220-224. CELD ID 1138.

6. Bergman, J. 1981.

The Establishment of a Heliocentric View of the Universe
JASA 33(4):225-230. CELD ID 1139.

7. Krause, DJ. 1981.

Astronomical Distances, the Speed of Light, and the Age of the Universe
JASA 33(4):235-239. CELD ID 1140.

8. Hurd, J. 1981.

Anthropology, Theology, and Human Origins
JASA 33(4):239-241. CELD ID 1141.

9. Adams, P. 1981.

The Watchmaker
JASA 33(4):243-244. CELD ID 1142.

10. D'Aria, DM. 1981.

Apparent Age Arguments
JASA 33(4):254-254. CELD ID 1143.

11. Herrmann, RA. 1981.

Goedel's Theorem Misunderstood
JASA 33(4):255-255. CELD ID 1144.

12. Pittman, T. 1981.

An Open Letter to Ancient Creationists and Theistic Evolutionists
JASA 33(4):255-255. CELD ID 1145.

13. Perkins, R. 1981.

Second Opinion on Rifkin's 'The Emerging Order'
JASA 33(4):256-256. CELD ID 1146.

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