1. Bube, RH. 1980. Tension in Theology: Creation versus RedemptionJASA 32(1):1-4. CELD ID 1053.
Tension in Theology: Creation versus Redemption
2. Craig, WL. 1980. Philosophical and Scientific Pointers to Creatio ex NihiloJASA 32(1):5-13. CELD ID 1054.
Philosophical and Scientific Pointers to Creatio ex Nihilo
3. Leith, TH. 1980. Explanation, Testability, and the Theory of EvolutionJASA 32(1):13-18. CELD ID 1055.
Explanation, Testability, and the Theory of Evolution
4. Johnson, WC. 1980. Depression: Biochemical Abnormality or Spiritual Backsliding?JASA 32(1):18-27. CELD ID 1056.
Depression: Biochemical Abnormality or Spiritual Backsliding?
5. Johnston, GA. 1980. The Biblically-Oriented Family: A ReassessmentJASA 32(1):28-33. CELD ID 1057.
The Biblically-Oriented Family: A Reassessment
6. Bube, RH. 1980. Creation (a) How Should Genesis Be Interpreted?JASA 32(1):34-39. CELD ID 1058.
Creation (a) How Should Genesis Be Interpreted?