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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 31(4)

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1. Hearn, WR. 1979.

An Interview with Bernard Ramm and Alta Ramm
JASA 31(4):179-186. CELD ID 1048.

2. Burwell, RJ. 1979.

Integrative Strategies in a Secular Age
JASA 31(4):198-201. CELD ID 1049.

3. Fuson, AJ. 1979.

Science Education for the Emotionally Disturbed Child
JASA 31(4):202-205. CELD ID 1050.

4. Schwarz, H. 1979.

Good and Evil in Technology as a Question of Christian Values
JASA 31(4):205-209. CELD ID 1051.

5. Knudsen, RD. 1979.

Dooyeweerd's Doctrine of Science
JASA 31(4):209-213. CELD ID 1052.

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