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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 31(1)

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1. Bube, RH. 1979.

The Journal's 30th Anniversary
JASA 31(1):1-2. CELD ID 1018.

2. Van Leeuwen, MS. 1979.

The Behaviorist Bandwagon and the Body of Christ I. What is Behaviorism?
JASA 31(1):3-8. CELD ID 1019.

3. Pike, KL. 1979.

Christianity and Culture I. Conscience and Culture
JASA 31(1):8-12. CELD ID 1020.

4. Franklin, KJ. 1979.

Bible Translation and Linguistics
JASA 31(1):13-19. CELD ID 1021.

5. Skillen, JW. 1979.

Herman Dooyeweerd's Contribution to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences
JASA 31(1):20-24. CELD ID 1022.

6. Ellison, CW; Mathisen, K. 1979.

A Social Psychological Analysis of Mass Evangelism
JASA 31(1):25-29. CELD ID 1023.

7. Neuhouser, DL. 1979.

Truth: Mathematical and Biblical
JASA 31(1):29-33. CELD ID 1024.

8. Lewthwaite, GR. 1979.

Christian Faith and Higher Education
JASA 31(1):33-36. CELD ID 1025.

9. Bube, RH. 1979.

The Significance of Being Human
JASA 31(1):37-43. CELD ID 1026.

10. Ashey, JP. 1979.

Responsibility and Retribution: A Narnian Dialogue
JASA 31(1):43-47. CELD ID 1027.

11. McMullen, ET. 1979.

Nuclear War and the Christian
JASA 31(1):57-58. CELD ID 1028.

12. Koteskey, RL. 1979.

Deception and the Christian Psychologist
JASA 31(1):58-59. CELD ID 1029.

13. Shuster, M. 1979.

A Moral Analogy to the Second Law of Thermodynamics
JASA 31(1):60-60. CELD ID 1030.

14. Kupke, DW. 1979.

A Young Versus an Old Creation: A Reconciliation?
JASA 31(1):60-61. CELD ID 1031.

15. Neidhardt, WJ. 1979.

Possible Relationships Between Polanyi's Insights and Modern Findings in Psychology, Brain Research, and Theories of Science
JASA 31(1):61-62. CELD ID 1032.

16. Neidhardt, WJ. 1979.

Omitted References [re. Neidhardt, 29.3 p. 118]
JASA 31(1):63-63. CELD ID 1033.

17. McCabe, MV. 1979.

Fed Up with Second Law [of Thermodynamics] Controversy
JASA 31(1):63-63. CELD ID 1034.

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