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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 3(2)

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1. Bullock, WL. 1951.

Symposium on Education
JASA 3(2):1-11. CELD ID 32.

2. Howitt, JR. 1951.

The Unifying Principle of the Universe
JASA 3(2):12-15. CELD ID 33.

3. Schepp, WJ. 1951.

'The Speckled and Spotted Goats and the Black Lambs Shall Be My Wages'
JASA 3(2):16-21. CELD ID 34.

4. Eckert, AC. 1951.

Atomic Fission
JASA 3(2):22-28. CELD ID 35.

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