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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 29(2)

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1. Mossman, VL. 1977.

In the Beginning ...
JASA 29(2):49-51. CELD ID 938.

2. Maatman, R. 1977.

The Unity in Creation
JASA 29(2):52-55. CELD ID 939.

3. Gingerich, O. 1977.

The Trauma of the Infinite Universe
JASA 29(2):56-64. CELD ID 940.

4. Tappeiner, DA. 1977.

Creation: Pattern, God, and Man
JASA 29(2):58-64. CELD ID 941.

5. Block, J. 1977.

Origins and the Bible
JASA 29(2):64-67. CELD ID 942.

6. Willis, DL. 1977.

Creation and/or Evolution
JASA 29(2):68-72. CELD ID 943.

7. Jones, DG. 1977.

Evolution: A Personal Dilemma
JASA 29(2):73-76. CELD ID 944.

8. Albert, JD. 1977.

A Biochemical View of Life
JASA 29(2):76-84. CELD ID 945.

9. Pun, PPT. 1977.

A Critical Evaluation of Evolution
JASA 29(2):84-91. CELD ID 946.

10. Dow, LW. 1977.

The Theory of Social Evolution and the Concept of Entropy
JASA 29(2):91-94. CELD ID 947.

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