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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 28(3)

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1. Piersma, H. 1976.

Christianity and Psychology: Some Reflections
JASA 28(3):97-100. CELD ID 897.

2. Oakland, JA. 1976.

An Analysis and Critique of Jay Adams' Theory of Counseling
JASA 28(3):101-109. CELD ID 898.

3. Heddendorf, R. 1976.

The Evolution of Social Evolution
JASA 28(3):110-115. CELD ID 899.

4. Perkins, RB. 1976.

The Orthodox Bigot: A Sociological Analysis
JASA 28(3):116-122. CELD ID 900.

5. Cramer, JA; MacKay, DM. 1976.

The 'Clockwork Image' Controversy [A Dialog]
JASA 28(3):123-125. CELD ID 901.

6. Bube, RH. 1976.

The Philosophy and Practice of Science
JASA 28(3):127-132. CELD ID 902.

7. Sprinkle, JM. 1976.

Paul's Interpretation of Genesis
JASA 28(3):141-141. CELD ID 903.

8. Hamill, D. 1976.

Poverty in Understanding Roman Catholics
JASA 28(3):141-142. CELD ID 904.

9. Albert, J. 1976.

Journal Has Reported 'Hard' Science
JASA 28(3):142-142. CELD ID 905.

10. Farr, RE. 1976.

Secret in a Cell
JASA 28(3):142-142. CELD ID 906.

11. Krause, DJ. 1976.

The Fossil Record and Creation
JASA 28(3):143-143. CELD ID 907.

12. Berberian, DA. 1976.

The Gift of Life
JASA 28(3):143-144. CELD ID 908.

13. van der Ziel, A. 1976.

Reply by van der Ziel
JASA 28(3):144-144. CELD ID 909.

14. Manoushagian, BM. 1976.

Objections to van der Ziel
JASA 28(3):144-144. CELD ID 910.

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