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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 27(1)

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1. Bube, RH. 1975.

A Call for Non-Academic Participation
JASA 27(1):1-1. CELD ID 848.

2. Willis, DL. 1975.

Alternative Views of Evolution
JASA 27(1):2-7. CELD ID 849.

3. Aulie, RP. 1975.

The Doctrine of Special Creation, Part I. The Design Argument
JASA 27(1):8-11. CELD ID 850.

4. Gienapp, JC. 1975.

Darwin & Contemporary Theological Reflection on the Nature of Man
JASA 27(1):12-17. CELD ID 851.

5. Numbers, RL. 1975.

Science Falsely So-Called: Evolution and Adventists in the Nineteenth Century
JASA 27(1):18-23. CELD ID 852.

6. Long, RD. 1975.

A Revolution in Ancient Radiocarbon Chronology
JASA 27(1):24-32. CELD ID 853.

7. Yamauchi, EM. 1975.

A Revolution in Ancient Radiocarbon Chronology: Problems of Radiocarbon Dating and of Cultural Diffusion in Pre-History
JASA 27(1):25-31. CELD ID 854.

8. Mills, GC. 1975.

Hemoglobin Structure and the Biogenesis of Proteins. Part I. Relation of Structure to Function for Mutant Hemoglobins
JASA 27(1):33-38. CELD ID 855.

9. Bube, RH. 1975.

Comments on 'Evangelicals and Evolution' [Summer 1974 J. of the Evang. Theol. Soc.]
JASA 27(1):39-40. CELD ID 856.

10. Bube, RH. 1975.

A Micro-Dialogue on Micro-Evolution
JASA 27(1):47-48. CELD ID 857.

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