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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 23(4)

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1. Bube, RH. 1971.

We Believe in Creation
JASA 23(4):121-122. CELD ID 695.

2. Sparks, H. 1971.

The Protein Clock
JASA 23(4):123-128. CELD ID 696.

3. Gish, DT. 1971.

An Inconsistent Position [Critique of Sparks, 23.4, p. 123]
JASA 23(4):125-128. CELD ID 697.

4. Albert, JD. 1971.

Scientific Tool or Creation Pitfall? [Response to Sparks, 23.4 p. 121]
JASA 23(4):128-129. CELD ID 698.

5. Pearce, EKV. 1971.

Proto-neolithic Adam and Recent Anthropology
JASA 23(4):130-139. CELD ID 699.

6. Seely, PH. 1971.

Not a Viable Theory [Critique of Pearce, 23.4, 130]
JASA 23(4):132-136. CELD ID 700.

7. Jennings, GJ. 1971.

Who Was Adam?
JASA 23(4):137-139. CELD ID 701.

8. Bube, RH. 1971.

Biblical Evolutionism?
JASA 23(4):140-144. CELD ID 702.

9. Maatman, RW. 1971.

Contains an Unprovable and Inadmissible Element
JASA 23(4):142-144. CELD ID 703.

10. Mixter, RL. 1971.

Developmentalism? [Response to Bube, 23.4, p. 140]
JASA 23(4):142-142. CELD ID 704.

11. Bube, RH. 1971.

Reply to Maatman [23.4, 142]
JASA 23(4):144-144. CELD ID 705.

12. Hearn, WR. 1971.

Truth or Consequences?
JASA 23(4):144-145. CELD ID 706.

13. Bredesen, H. 1971.

Anatomy of a Confrontation (An Interview with Vernon L. Grose)
JASA 23(4):146-149. CELD ID 707.

14. Maatman, R. 1971.

Reply to Book Review of 'The Bible, Natural Science & Evolution'
JASA 23(4):157-158. CELD ID 708.

15. Cuffey, RJ. 1971.

Evidence for Evolution from the Fossil Record
JASA 23(4):158-159. CELD ID 709.

16. Butler, JL. 1971.

Disagrees with Cuffey [re. Cuffey, 22.4]
JASA 23(4):159-160. CELD ID 710.

17. Moore, JN. 1971.

Reply by Moore [to Cuffey, p. 158]
JASA 23(4):159-159. CELD ID 711.

18. Cuffey, RJ. 1971.

Reply by Cuffey [re. Butler, p. 159]
JASA 23(4):160-160. CELD ID 712.

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