1. Hayes, SF. 1971. The Voice of the OrdinaryJASA 23(3):81-82. CELD ID 687.
The Voice of the Ordinary
2. McCone, RC. 1971. The Phenomena of PentecostJASA 23(3):83-88. CELD ID 688.
The Phenomena of Pentecost
3. Mayers, MH. 1971. The Behavior of TonguesJASA 23(3):89-95. CELD ID 689.
The Behavior of Tongues
4. Nieboer, MC. 1971. Literary Statistics and Pauline Authorship I. Historical BackgroundJASA 23(3):96-98. CELD ID 690.
Literary Statistics and Pauline Authorship I. Historical Background
5. Malony, HN. 1971. The Contribution of Gordon Allport (1897-1967) to the Psychology of ReligionJASA 23(3):99-103. CELD ID 691.
The Contribution of Gordon Allport (1897-1967) to the Psychology of Religion
6. Clouse, B. 1971. Some Developmental Ideas of Jean PiagetJASA 23(3):104-108. CELD ID 692.
Some Developmental Ideas of Jean Piaget
7. Denton, AR. 1971. Halfway HomeJASA 23(3):108-111. CELD ID 693.
Halfway Home
8. Neidhardt, WJ. 1971. Two Impressive EventsJASA 23(3):120-120. CELD ID 694.
Two Impressive Events