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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 22(4)

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1. Polanyi, M. 1970.

Life's Irreducible Structure
JASA 22(4):123-131. CELD ID 651.

2. Bube, RH. 1970.

Do Life Processes Transcend Physics and Chemistry?
JASA 22(4):125-127. CELD ID 652.

3. Duriez, C. 1970.

(Polanyi's Arguments Against Mechanistic Views of Life)
JASA 22(4):128-131. CELD ID 653.

4. Mixter, RL. 1970.

Materialism and Modern Man
JASA 22(4):132-135. CELD ID 654.

5. Johnson, WC. 1970.

Only a Machine, or Also a Living Soul?
JASA 22(4):137-141. CELD ID 655.

6. Lewthwaite, GR. 1970.

Mechanism, Naturalism, and the Nature of Social Science
JASA 22(4):141-145. CELD ID 656.

7. Newton, MJ. 1970.

The Man Who is There
JASA 22(4):145-147. CELD ID 657.

8. Stanley, PE. 1970.

Spirit: God and Man
JASA 22(4):148-152. CELD ID 658.

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