1. Fulwood, RT. 1950. The Plan in the First Chapter of GenesisJASA 2(4):1-13. CELD ID 23.
The Plan in the First Chapter of Genesis
2. Sutherland, BP. 1950. The Fall and its Relation to Present Conditions in NatureJASA 2(4):14-19. CELD ID 24.
The Fall and its Relation to Present Conditions in Nature
3. Tinkle, WJ. 1950. Why God Called His Creation GoodJASA 2(4):20-25. CELD ID 25.
Why God Called His Creation Good
4. Erdman, C. 1950. The Paleontology of the HorseJASA 2(4):25-36. CELD ID 26.
The Paleontology of the Horse