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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 18(3)

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1. Montgomery, JW. 1966.

The Theologian's Craft: A Discussion of Theory Formation and Theology
JASA 18(3):65-77. CELD ID 504.

2. O'Connell, RJ. 1966.

Teilhard's Scientific Attitude
JASA 18(3):78-83. CELD ID 505.

3. Siemens, DF. 1966.

The Sources of Science
JASA 18(3):84-86. CELD ID 506.

4. Olson, WA. 1966.

Evolution and Biology in a Christian High School
JASA 18(3):87-89. CELD ID 507.

5. Crane, EV. 1966.

Brain Waves
JASA 18(3):90-91. CELD ID 508.

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