1. Pattison, EM. 1966. Theology and PsychoanalysisJASA 18(1):2-4. CELD ID 478.
Theology and Psychoanalysis
2. Bube, RH. 1966. The Whole and the Sum of Its Parts: A Unifying Perspective on ManJASA 18(1):8-11. CELD ID 479.
The Whole and the Sum of Its Parts: A Unifying Perspective on Man
3. Page, RM. 1966. Cosmogony -- Science, Myth, and GenesisJASA 18(1):12-14. CELD ID 480.
Cosmogony -- Science, Myth, and Genesis
4. van der Ziel, A. 1966. Science and BeginningJASA 18(1):15-18. CELD ID 481.
Science and Beginning
5. Buswell, JO. 1966. Reports on the Sessions of the International Conference on Science and ...JASA 18(1):19-21. CELD ID 482.
Reports on the Sessions of the International Conference on Science and ...
6. Moberg, DO. 1966. A Brief Report on Cybernetics, Determinism, and Free WillJASA 18(1):21-22. CELD ID 483.
A Brief Report on Cybernetics, Determinism, and Free Will
7. Cassel, JF. 1966. The Study of SpeciationJASA 18(1):23-24. CELD ID 484.
The Study of Speciation
8. Cassel, JF. 1966. EvolutionJASA 18(1):24-24. CELD ID 485.
9. Hearn, WR. 1966. The Meaning of CreationJASA 18(1):25-27. CELD ID 486.
The Meaning of Creation