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Contents of Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 14(3)

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1. Moberg, DO. 1962.

Ethical Decisions of Christians in Science: Introduction to a Symposium
JASA 14(3):66-67. CELD ID 375.

2. Bohon, RL. 1962.

The Industrial Scientist: Money, Time, and Achievement
JASA 14(3):67-70. CELD ID 376.

3. Francis, RG. 1962.

Ethical Decisions in Social Science Research
JASA 14(3):71-74. CELD ID 377.

4. Anderson, VE. 1962.

Personal Decisions in Biomedical Research
JASA 14(3):74-77. CELD ID 378.

5. Ericsson, D. 1962.

New Testament Christianity and the Morality of Capital Punishment
JASA 14(3):77-79. CELD ID 379.

6. Burton, JR. 1962.

Some Ethical Decisions in the Practice of Medicine
JASA 14(3):79-81. CELD ID 380.

7. Larson, FW. 1962.

Psychotherapy and the Patient's Ethical System
JASA 14(3):82-83. CELD ID 381.

8. Rozentals, J. 1962.

Human Responsibility Viewed by a Theologian
JASA 14(3):84-84. CELD ID 382.

9. MacRae, AA. 1962.

Assyria and the Bible
JASA 14(3):85-86. CELD ID 383.

10. Hearn, WR. 1962.

JASA 14(3):87-90. CELD ID 384.

11. Knudsen, RD. 1962.

Philosophical Anthropology
JASA 14(3):90-90. CELD ID 385.

12. Heddendorf, R. 1962.

Sociology: A Defense [part 3 of 4]
JASA 14(3):91-92. CELD ID 386.

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