1. Bube, RH. 1960. New Testament Christianity and the Morality of Civil RebellionJASA 12(3):66-69. CELD ID 312.
New Testament Christianity and the Morality of Civil Rebellion
2. Allen, F. 1960. The First Commandment to ManJASA 12(3):70-73. CELD ID 313.
The First Commandment to Man
3. Trutza, P. 1960. The American Way of Life and Scriptural ChristianityJASA 12(3):74-80. CELD ID 314.
The American Way of Life and Scriptural Christianity
4. Sinclair, JC. 1960. MotivationJASA 12(3):81-85. CELD ID 315.
5. Hearn, WR. 1960. Witnessing to Students and FacultyJASA 12(3):85-87. CELD ID 316.
Witnessing to Students and Faculty
6. Seerveld, C. 1960. Philosophical Historiography (Vollenhoven)JASA 12(3):87-89. CELD ID 317.
Philosophical Historiography (Vollenhoven)
7. Lindquist, SE. 1960. Sin and PsychoanalysisJASA 12(3):89-90. CELD ID 318.
Sin and Psychoanalysis
8. Heddendorf, R. 1960. The Status Role-Set Frame: the Christian's RoleJASA 12(3):90-91. CELD ID 319.
The Status Role-Set Frame: the Christian's Role