1. Townley, JK. 1985. A Pilot Study on the Validity of Using an Inquiry Approach in a Video Format for Origins: Two Models, Evolution-Creation in Christian Unified SchoolsICRthesis :1-111. CELD ID 16932.
A Pilot Study on the Validity of Using an Inquiry Approach in a Video Format for Origins: Two Models, Evolution-Creation in Christian Unified Schools
2. Webber, TM. 1986. A Classical Field Theory for the Propogation of LightICRthesis :1-80. CELD ID 16933.
A Classical Field Theory for the Propogation of Light
3. Mandock, REP. 1983. Theoretical Thermal Calculations for Heat Distributions with Spherical SymmetryICRthesis :1-53. CELD ID 16934.
Theoretical Thermal Calculations for Heat Distributions with Spherical Symmetry
4. Larson, NB. 1984. Thermal Evolution of Plutons and the Age of the EarthICRthesis :1-101. CELD ID 16935.
Thermal Evolution of Plutons and the Age of the Earth
5. Paiva, CA. 1988. Cavitation in Macro-Fluvial Processes and the Implications for Geologic TimeICRthesis :1-181. CELD ID 16936.
Cavitation in Macro-Fluvial Processes and the Implications for Geologic Time
6. Mandock, RLN. 1982. Scale Time Versus Geologic Time in Radioisotope Age DeterminationICRthesis :1-159. CELD ID 16937.
Scale Time Versus Geologic Time in Radioisotope Age Determination
7. Barnhart, WR. 1987. A Critical Evaluation of the Phylogeny of the HorseICRthesis :1-256. CELD ID 16938.
A Critical Evaluation of the Phylogeny of the Horse
8. Brazo, MW. 1983. Theories of Origins Do They Persist Despite Contrary Evidence?ICRthesis :1-133. CELD ID 16939.
Theories of Origins Do They Persist Despite Contrary Evidence?
9. Knaub, CW. 1983. A Critique of Molecular HomologyICRthesis :1-55. CELD ID 16940.
A Critique of Molecular Homology
10. Osbourne, CD. 1985. A Reevaluation of the English Peppered Moth's Use as an Example of Evolution in ProgressICRthesis :1-153. CELD ID 16941.
A Reevaluation of the English Peppered Moth's Use as an Example of Evolution in Progress
11. Nutting, DI. 1984. Origin of Bedded Salt Deposits: A Critique of Evaporative Models and Defense of a Hydrothermal ModelICRthesis :1-107. CELD ID 16942.
Origin of Bedded Salt Deposits: A Critique of Evaporative Models and Defense of a Hydrothermal Model
12. Nutting, MJ. 1983. A Rationale for the Christian College Biology Curriculum A Case Study at Christian Heritage CollegeICRthesis :1-91. CELD ID 16943.
A Rationale for the Christian College Biology Curriculum A Case Study at Christian Heritage College
13. Coski, PK. 1995. Sedimentary and Tectonic Models for Tightly Folded Neogene Marine Sandstone in Split Mountain, Eastern San Diego County, CaliforniaICRthesis :1-190. CELD ID 16944.
Sedimentary and Tectonic Models for Tightly Folded Neogene Marine Sandstone in Split Mountain, Eastern San Diego County, California
14. Rush, DE. 1990. Radiative Equilibrium Temperature Profiles under a Vapor CanopyICRthesis :1-131. CELD ID 16945.
Radiative Equilibrium Temperature Profiles under a Vapor Canopy
15. Rugg, SH. 1986. Detachment Faulting in the Northern Trigo Mountains, Arizona - A Catastrophic Interpretation of Tertiary Geologic ProcessesICRthesis :1-154. CELD ID 16946.
Detachment Faulting in the Northern Trigo Mountains, Arizona - A Catastrophic Interpretation of Tertiary Geologic Processes
16. Sigler, R. 1998. Stratigraphic Correlation of Coarse and Fine Clastic Lithologic Units of the Kingston Peak Formation, Northern Kingston Range, Mojave Desert, CaliforniaICRthesis :1-209. CELD ID 16947.
Stratigraphic Correlation of Coarse and Fine Clastic Lithologic Units of the Kingston Peak Formation, Northern Kingston Range, Mojave Desert, California
17. Bielecki, JW. 1994. A Study of Spontaneous Fission Track Density in Resting Spring Range Obsidian (Miocene) near Shoshone, CaliforniaICRthesis :1-76. CELD ID 16948.
A Study of Spontaneous Fission Track Density in Resting Spring Range Obsidian (Miocene) near Shoshone, California
18. Whitmore, JH. 1988. The Hartford Basin in Central Connecticut: an Evaluation of Uniformitarian and Catastrophic ModelsICRthesis :1-210. CELD ID 16949.
The Hartford Basin in Central Connecticut: an Evaluation of Uniformitarian and Catastrophic Models
19. Spelman, KE. 1996. A Sensitivity Study of the Post-Flood Climate Using the NCAR CCM1 Model with a Warm Sea-Surface TemperatureICRthesis :1-155. CELD ID 16950.
A Sensitivity Study of the Post-Flood Climate Using the NCAR CCM1 Model with a Warm Sea-Surface Temperature
20. Jolly, RLD. 2000. The Mediterranean Gecko, Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus, in Central Arizona: a Life History and Examination of the Effects of Colonization via the Founder PrincipleICRthesis :1-133. CELD ID 16951.
The Mediterranean Gecko, Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus, in Central Arizona: a Life History and Examination of the Effects of Colonization via the Founder Principle
21. Sanders, MH. 2000. Repair Rates of R-Band, G-Band, and C-Band DNA in Mice and MenICRthesis :1-60. CELD ID 16952.
Repair Rates of R-Band, G-Band, and C-Band DNA in Mice and Men
22. Wingerden, CV. 2000. The Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Kingston Peak Formation in the Northeast Kingston Range California: Emphasis on the Mode of Emplacement of MegaclastsICRthesis :1-63. CELD ID 16953.
The Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Kingston Peak Formation in the Northeast Kingston Range California: Emphasis on the Mode of Emplacement of Megaclasts
23. Rasmussen, SA. 1984. A Determination of the Time of the Flood from the Geologic Ages of River DeltasICRthesis :1-. CELD ID 16954.
A Determination of the Time of the Flood from the Geologic Ages of River Deltas