1. Chaffin, EF. 2003. Accelerated decay: theoretical modelsICC5 :3-15. CELD ID 17146.
Accelerated decay: theoretical models
2. Vardiman, L. 2003. Hypercanes following the Genesis FloodICC5 :17-28. CELD ID 17147.
Hypercanes following the Genesis Flood
3. Vardiman, L. 2003. Temperature profiles for an optimized water vapor canopyICC5 :29-39. CELD ID 17148.
Temperature profiles for an optimized water vapor canopy
4. Willson, FA. 2003. The ubiquity of the divine (golden) ratio and Fibonacci numbers throughout the heavens and the earthICC5 :41-52. CELD ID 17149.
The ubiquity of the divine (golden) ratio and Fibonacci numbers throughout the heavens and the earth
5. Austin, SA. 2003. Nautiloid mass kill and burial event, Redwall Limestone (Lower Mississippian), Grand Canyon region, Arizona and NevadaICC5 :55-99. CELD ID 17150.
Nautiloid mass kill and burial event, Redwall Limestone (Lower Mississippian), Grand Canyon region, Arizona and Nevada
6. Boudreaux, EA. 2003. Origins of chemical elements from waterICC5 :101-111. CELD ID 17151.
Origins of chemical elements from water
7. Baumgardner, JR. 2003. Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: the physics behind the Genesis FloodICC5 :113-126. CELD ID 17152.
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: the physics behind the Genesis Flood
8. Baumgardner, JR; Snelling, AA; Humphreys, DR; Austin, SA. 2003. Measurable 14C in fossilized organic materials: confirming the young earth creation-flood modelICC5 :127-142. CELD ID 17153.
Measurable 14C in fossilized organic materials: confirming the young earth creation-flood model
9. Cavanaugh, DP; Wood, TC; Wise, KP. 2003. Fossil Equidae: a monobaraminic, stratomorphic seriesICC5 :143-153. CELD ID 17154.
Fossil Equidae: a monobaraminic, stratomorphic series
10. Horstemeyer, MF; Baumgardner, JR. 2003. What initiated the Flood cataclysm?ICC5 :155-163. CELD ID 17155.
What initiated the Flood cataclysm?
11. Horstemeyer, MF; Gullett, P. 2003. Will mechanics allow a rapid ice age following the Flood?ICC5 :165-174. CELD ID 17156.
Will mechanics allow a rapid ice age following the Flood?
12. Humphreys, DR; Austin, SA; Baumgardner, JR; Snelling, AA. 2003. Helium diffusion rates support accelerated nuclear decayICC5 :175-195. CELD ID 17157.
Helium diffusion rates support accelerated nuclear decay
13. Lalomov, AV. 2003. Paleohydrology of Jurassic conglomerate of the Crimean PeninsulaICC5 :197-208. CELD ID 17158.
Paleohydrology of Jurassic conglomerate of the Crimean Peninsula
14. Matthews, MZ. 2003. The Oklo "natural nuclear reactors" - evidence of variable constants?ICC5 :209-217. CELD ID 17159.
The Oklo "natural nuclear reactors" - evidence of variable constants?
15. Oard, MJ. 2003. Evidence for only one gigantic Lake Missoula floodICC5 :219-231. CELD ID 17160.
Evidence for only one gigantic Lake Missoula flood
16. Silvestru, E. 2003. A hydrothermal model of rapid post-Flood karstingICC5 :233-241. CELD ID 17161.
A hydrothermal model of rapid post-Flood karsting
17. Snelling, AA; Armitage, MH. 2003. Radiohalos - a tale of three granitic plutonsICC5 :243-267. CELD ID 17162.
Radiohalos - a tale of three granitic plutons
18. Snelling, AA; Austin, SA; Hoesch, WA. 2003. Radioisotopes in the diabase sill (Upper Precambrian) at Bass Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona: an application and test of the isochron dating methodICC5 :269-284. CELD ID 17163.
Radioisotopes in the diabase sill (Upper Precambrian) at Bass Rapids, Grand Canyon, Arizona: an application and test of the isochron dating method
19. Snelling, AA. 2003. The relevance of Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Pb-Pb isotope systematics to elucidation of the genesis and history of recent andesite flows at Mt Ngauruhoe, New Zealand, and the implications for radioisotopic datingICC5 :285-303. CELD ID 17164.
The relevance of Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Pb-Pb isotope systematics to elucidation of the genesis and history of recent andesite flows at Mt Ngauruhoe, New Zealand, and the implications for radioisotopic dating
20. Snelling, AA. 2003. Whole-rock K-Ar model and isochron, and Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb isochron, "dating" of the Somerset Dam layered mafic intrusion, AustraliaICC5 :305-324. CELD ID 17165.
Whole-rock K-Ar model and isochron, and Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb isochron, "dating" of the Somerset Dam layered mafic intrusion, Australia
21. Stansbury, DD. 2003. Flow dynamics of an enormous subaqueous dune within the Anchor Limestone, Las Vegas range, Clark County, southern NevadaICC5 :325-335. CELD ID 17166.
Flow dynamics of an enormous subaqueous dune within the Anchor Limestone, Las Vegas range, Clark County, southern Nevada
22. Vardiman, L; Austin, SA; Baumgardner, JR; Chaffin, EF; DeYoung, DB; Humphreys, DR; Snelling, AA. 2003. Radioisotopes and the age of the earthICC5 :337-348. CELD ID 17167.
Radioisotopes and the age of the earth
23. Wingerden, CV. 2003. Initial Flood deposits of the western North American cordillera: California, Utah and IdahoICC5 :349-358. CELD ID 17168.
Initial Flood deposits of the western North American cordillera: California, Utah and Idaho
24. Wise, KP. 2003. The hydrothermal biome: a pre-Flood environmentICC5 :359-370. CELD ID 17169.
The hydrothermal biome: a pre-Flood environment
25. Wise, KP. 2003. The pre-Flood floating forest: a study in paleontological pattern recognitionICC5 :371-381. CELD ID 17170.
The pre-Flood floating forest: a study in paleontological pattern recognition
26. Baldwin, JT. 2003. Reflections on the post-Huttonian relevance of the words: "Worship Him Who made the heaven and the earth, and sea and the fountains of waters" (Revelation 14:7)ICC5 :385-395. CELD ID 17171.
Reflections on the post-Huttonian relevance of the words: "Worship Him Who made the heaven and the earth, and sea and the fountains of waters" (Revelation 14:7)
27. Barrick, WD; Sigler, R. 2003. Hebrew and geologic analyses of the chronology and parallelism of the Flood: implications for interpretation of the geologic recordICC5 :397-408. CELD ID 17172.
Hebrew and geologic analyses of the chronology and parallelism of the Flood: implications for interpretation of the geologic record
28. Fouts, DM. 2003. The genre of Genesis oneICC5 :409-416. CELD ID 17173.
The genre of Genesis one
29. Young, JA. 2003. Septuagintal versus Masoretic chronology in Genesis 5 and 11ICC5 :417-430. CELD ID 17174.
Septuagintal versus Masoretic chronology in Genesis 5 and 11
30. Francis, JW. 2003. The organosubstrate of life: a creationist perspective of microbes and virusesICC5 :433-444. CELD ID 17175.
The organosubstrate of life: a creationist perspective of microbes and viruses
31. Sanders, RW; Wise, KP. 2003. The cognitum: a perception-dependent concept needed in baraminologyICC5 :445-455. CELD ID 17176.
The cognitum: a perception-dependent concept needed in baraminology
32. Speck, PL. 2003. Pain and the Adam bombICC5 :457-464. CELD ID 17177.
Pain and the Adam bomb
33. Wise, KP; Croxton, M. 2003. Rafting: a post-Flood biogeographic dispersal mechanismICC5 :465-477. CELD ID 17178.
Rafting: a post-Flood biogeographic dispersal mechanism
34. Wood, TC. 2003. Perspectives on AGEing: a young-earth creation diversification modelICC5 :479-489. CELD ID 17179.
Perspectives on AGEing: a young-earth creation diversification model
35. Woodmorappe, J. 2003. Collapsing the long bristlecone pine tree ring chronologiesICC5 :491-503. CELD ID 17180.
Collapsing the long bristlecone pine tree ring chronologies
36. Woodmorappe, J. 2003. Unconventional gene behavior and its relationship to pseudogenesICC5 :505-514. CELD ID 17181.
Unconventional gene behavior and its relationship to pseudogenes
37. Bergman, J. 2003. Do creation and flood myths found world wide have a common origin?ICC5 :517-528. CELD ID 17182.
Do creation and flood myths found world wide have a common origin?
38. Deckard, S; DeWitt, DA; Cargo, SE. 2003. Effects of a YEC apologetics class on student worldviewICC5 :529-537. CELD ID 17183.
Effects of a YEC apologetics class on student worldview
39. Mortenson, T. 2003. The early 19th century British "scriptural geologists": opponents of the emerging old-earth theories of geologyICC5 :539-550. CELD ID 17184.
The early 19th century British "scriptural geologists": opponents of the emerging old-earth theories of geology
40. Silvestru, E. 2003. The significance of caves in the post-Flood history of mankindICC5 :551-560. CELD ID 17185.
The significance of caves in the post-Flood history of mankind
41. Schroeder, LL; Schroeder, PL. 2003. The significance of the ancient standing stones, villages, tombs on Orkney IslandICC5 :561-572. CELD ID 17186.
The significance of the ancient standing stones, villages, tombs on Orkney Island
42. Taylor, IT. 2003. The idea of progressICC5 :573-581. CELD ID 17187.
The idea of progress
43. Spencer, WR. 2003. Tidal dissipation and the age of IoICC5 :585-595. CELD ID 17188.
Tidal dissipation and the age of Io