1. Aardsma, GE. 1994. A search for radiocarbon in coalICC3 :1-8. CELD ID 5080.
A search for radiocarbon in coal
2. Aardsma, GE. 1994. The Exodus happened in 2450 B.C.ICC3 :9-15. CELD ID 5081.
The Exodus happened in 2450 B.C.
3. Ackerman, PD. 1994. Preventing out-of-wedlock, teen-age pregnancy: current practice versus the experimental social psychology research baseICC3 :17-24. CELD ID 5082.
Preventing out-of-wedlock, teen-age pregnancy: current practice versus the experimental social psychology research base
4. Auldaney, J. 1994. Catastrophic fluvial deposition at the asphalt seeps of Rancho La Brea, CaliforniaICC3 :25-35. CELD ID 5083.
Catastrophic fluvial deposition at the asphalt seeps of Rancho La Brea, California
5. Austin, SA; Wise, KP. 1994. The pre-Flood/Flood boundary: as defined in Grand Canyon, Arizona and eastern Mojave desert, CaliforniaICC3 :37-47. CELD ID 5084.
The pre-Flood/Flood boundary: as defined in Grand Canyon, Arizona and eastern Mojave desert, California
6. Baumgardner, JR. 1994. Computer modeling of the large-scale tectonics associated with the Genesis FloodICC3 :49-62. CELD ID 5085.
Computer modeling of the large-scale tectonics associated with the Genesis Flood
7. Baumgardner, JR. 1994. Runaway subduction as the driving mechanism for the Genesis FloodICC3 :63-75. CELD ID 5086.
Runaway subduction as the driving mechanism for the Genesis Flood
8. Baumgardner, JR; Barnette, DW. 1994. Patterns of ocean circulation over the continents during Noah's FloodICC3 :77-86. CELD ID 5087.
Patterns of ocean circulation over the continents during Noah's Flood
9. Bergman, J. 1994. Magnetic monopoles and Grand Unification TheoryICC3 :87-93. CELD ID 5088.
Magnetic monopoles and Grand Unification Theory
10. Bergman, J. 1994. An update on the courts, academic freedom and creationists: the Peloza Johnson, and Bishop casesICC3 :95-102. CELD ID 5089.
An update on the courts, academic freedom and creationists: the Peloza Johnson, and Bishop cases
11. Berthault, G. 1994. Experiments on stratificationICC3 :103-110. CELD ID 5090.
Experiments on stratification
12. Boudreaux, EA. 1994. Particle interaction analysis of solar formation and stabilizationICC3 :111-121. CELD ID 5091.
Particle interaction analysis of solar formation and stabilization
13. Brown, RH. 1994. Mixing Lines- Considerations regarding their use in creationist interpretation of radioisotope age dataICC3 :123-130. CELD ID 5092.
Mixing Lines- Considerations regarding their use in creationist interpretation of radioisotope age data
14. Cadwallader, MW. 1994. A Biblical/Creation model and response for environmental difficultiesICC3 :131-141. CELD ID 5093.
A Biblical/Creation model and response for environmental difficulties
15. Chaffin, EF. 1994. Are the fundamental "constants" of physics really variablesICC3 :143-150. CELD ID 5094.
Are the fundamental "constants" of physics really variables
16. Clark, ME; Voss, HD. 1994. Toward an Understanding of the tidal fluid mechanics associated with the Genesis FloodICC3 :151-167. CELD ID 5095.
Toward an Understanding of the tidal fluid mechanics associated with the Genesis Flood
17. Culp, GR. 1994. Do birds of prey demonstrate stability of species?ICC3 :169-174. CELD ID 5096.
Do birds of prey demonstrate stability of species?
18. Davies, K. 1994. Distribution of supernova remnants in the galaxyICC3 :175-184. CELD ID 5097.
Distribution of supernova remnants in the galaxy
19. Fischer, JM. 1994. A giant meteorite impact and rapid continental driftICC3 :185-197. CELD ID 5098.
A giant meteorite impact and rapid continental drift
20. Forgay, WF. 1994. Values clarification: an evaluationICC3 :199-207. CELD ID 5099.
Values clarification: an evaluation
21. Frangos, AC. 1994. A different approach to the problem of scientific knowledgeICC3 :209-216. CELD ID 5100.
A different approach to the problem of scientific knowledge
22. Green, TR. 1994. Prescience prophecy: a pyrrhic apologeticICC3 :217-228. CELD ID 5101.
Prescience prophecy: a pyrrhic apologetic
23. Harsh, R. 1994. Biblical naturalism: a time for paradigm changeICC3 :229-241. CELD ID 5102.
Biblical naturalism: a time for paradigm change
24. Holroyd, EW. 1994. A remote sensing search for extinct lake shore lines on the Colorado plateauICC3 :243-254. CELD ID 5103.
A remote sensing search for extinct lake shore lines on the Colorado plateau
25. Humphreys, DR. 1994. A Biblical basis for creationist cosmologyICC3 :255-266. CELD ID 5104.
A Biblical basis for creationist cosmology
26. Humphreys, DR. 1994. Progress toward a young-earth relativistic cosmologyICC3 :267-286. CELD ID 5105.
Progress toward a young-earth relativistic cosmology
27. Jorgensen, GS. 1994. The canopy, the moon, the tilt of the Earth's axis, and a pre-Flood ice ageICC3 :287-303. CELD ID 5106.
The canopy, the moon, the tilt of the Earth's axis, and a pre-Flood ice age
28. Lucas, J. 1994. The origin of atomic structureICC3 :305-315. CELD ID 5107.
The origin of atomic structure
29. Lumsden, RD; Francis, ND. 1994. Evolutionary origin of life scenarios: paradox of the plasma membraneICC3 :317-333. CELD ID 5108.
Evolutionary origin of life scenarios: paradox of the plasma membrane
30. Maas, F. 1994. Immune functions of the vermiform appendixICC3 :335-342. CELD ID 5109.
Immune functions of the vermiform appendix
31. McLeod, KC. 1994. Knee design: implications for creation vs. evolutionICC3 :343-352. CELD ID 5110.
Knee design: implications for creation vs. evolution
32. Molen, M. 1994. Mountain building and continental driftICC3 :353-367. CELD ID 5111.
Mountain building and continental drift
33. Montgomery, A. 1994. A determination and analysis of appropriate values of the speed of light to test the setterfield hypothesisICC3 :369-386. CELD ID 5112.
A determination and analysis of appropriate values of the speed of light to test the setterfield hypothesis
34. Myers, E. 1994. Creation, the key to historyICC3 :367-395. CELD ID 5113.
Creation, the key to history
35. Northrup, BE. 1994. Some questionable creationist axioms examinedICC3 :397-405. CELD ID 5114.
Some questionable creationist axioms examined
36. Oard, MJ. 1994. Submarine mass flow deposition of pre-Pleistocene "ice age" depositsICC3 :407-418. CELD ID 5115.
Submarine mass flow deposition of pre-Pleistocene "ice age" deposits
37. Palmer, SS. 1994. Lack of evidence for hand dominance in the nonhuman primate: difficulty for the theory of evolutionICC3 :419-422. CELD ID 5116.
Lack of evidence for hand dominance in the nonhuman primate: difficulty for the theory of evolution
38. Powell, CD. 1994. Mechanisms for gender role stasisICC3 :423-432. CELD ID 5117.
Mechanisms for gender role stasis
39. ReMine, WJ. 1994. The biotic message-an introductionICC3 :433-444. CELD ID 5118.
The biotic message-an introduction
40. Reynolds, JM. 1994. The Bible and science: towards a rational harmonizationICC3 :445-458. CELD ID 5119.
The Bible and science: towards a rational harmonization
41. Reynolds, JM. 1994. Gosse and Omphalos: a defense of an old argumentICC3 :459-466. CELD ID 5120.
Gosse and Omphalos: a defense of an old argument
42. Scherer, S. 1994. Basic Types of LifeICC3 :467-483. CELD ID 5121.
Basic Types of Life
43. Snelling, AA. 1994. Regional metamorphism within a creationist framework: what garnet compositions revealICC3 :485-496. CELD ID 5122.
Regional metamorphism within a creationist framework: what garnet compositions reveal
44. Snelling, AA. 1994. U-TH-PB 'dating': an example of false 'isochrons'ICC3 :497-504. CELD ID 5123.
U-TH-PB 'dating': an example of false 'isochrons'
45. Speck, PL. 1994. The kidney: a designed system for plasma homeostasisICC3 :505-511. CELD ID 5124.
The kidney: a designed system for plasma homeostasis
46. Spencer, WR. 1994. The origin and history of the solar systemICC3 :513-523. CELD ID 5125.
The origin and history of the solar system
47. Taylor, IT. 1994. Sir Francis Bacon and the Geological Society of LondonICC3 :525-534. CELD ID 5126.
Sir Francis Bacon and the Geological Society of London
48. Tyler, DJ. 1994. Tectonic controls on sedimentation in rocks form the Jurassic series (Yorkshire, England)ICC3 :535-545. CELD ID 5127.
Tectonic controls on sedimentation in rocks form the Jurassic series (Yorkshire, England)
49. Tyler, SEB. 1994. The Genesis Kinds: a perspective from embryologyICC3 :547-559. CELD ID 5128.
The Genesis Kinds: a perspective from embryology
50. Vardiman, L. 1994. An analytic young-earth flow model of ice sheet formation during the "ice age"ICC3 :561-568. CELD ID 5129.
An analytic young-earth flow model of ice sheet formation during the "ice age"
51. Vardiman, L. 1994. A conceptual transition model of the atmospheric global circulation following the Genesis FloodICC3 :569-579. CELD ID 5130.
A conceptual transition model of the atmospheric global circulation following the Genesis Flood
52. Walker, T. 1994. A Biblical geologic modelICC3 :581-592. CELD ID 5131.
A Biblical geologic model
53. Wisniewski, ME. 1994. The Worldview approach to critical thinkingICC3 :593-607. CELD ID 5132.
The Worldview approach to critical thinking
54. Austin, SA; Baumgardner, JR; Humphreys, DR; Snelling, AA; Vardiman, L; Wise, KP. 1994. Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: a global flood model of Earth historyICC3 :609-621. CELD ID 5133.
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: a global flood model of Earth history
55. Woodmorappe, J. 1994. The biota and logistics of Noah's ArkICC3 :623-631. CELD ID 5134.
The biota and logistics of Noah's Ark
56. Young, JA. 1994. Archaeology and creation scienceICC3 :633-645. CELD ID 5135.
Archaeology and creation science