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Contents of The Forum for the Correlation of Science and the Bible 2

Browse contents of The Forum for the Correlation of Science and the Bible

1. Butler, JL. 1947.

God before primary time
Forum 2:61-69. CELD ID 6190.

2. Huenergardt, JF. 1947.

The integrity of Creation Week
Forum 2:71-96. CELD ID 6191.

3. Couperus, M. 1947.

The creation of the earth
Forum 2:97-105. CELD ID 6192.

4. Price, GM. 1947.

Comments on the first volume of the forum
Forum 2:106-107. CELD ID 6193.

5. Clark, HW. 1947.

A rebuttal
Forum 2:108. CELD ID 6194.

6. Pruett, EW. 1947.

"In the Beginning"
Forum 2:109-110. CELD ID 6195.

7. Whitney, DJ. 1947.

For the recent creation of the earth
Forum 2:111-112. CELD ID 6196.

8. Offermann, KA. 1947.

Two creations
Forum 2:113. CELD ID 6197.

9. Butler, JL. 1947.

Genesis and astronomy
Forum 2:114-117. CELD ID 6198.

10. Couperus, M. 1947.

Some remarks regarding the radioactive time estimation of the age of the earth
Forum 2:118-119. CELD ID 6199.

11. Burdick, CL. 1947.

Streamlining stratigraphy
Forum 2:121-130. CELD ID 6200.

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