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Contents of The Forum for the Correlation of Science and the Bible 1

Browse contents of The Forum for the Correlation of Science and the Bible

1. anonymous. 1946.

Forum 1:1. CELD ID 6184.

2. Couperus, M. 1946.

The Creation of the earth: a symposium introduction
Forum 1:7. CELD ID 6185.

3. Price, GM. 1946.

"In the Beginning"
Forum 1:9-10. CELD ID 6186.

4. Clark, HW. 1946.

In defense of the ultra-literal view of the creation of the earth
Forum 1:11-15. CELD ID 6187.

5. Butler, JL. 1946.

God's primary and secondary creations
Forum 1:16-38. CELD ID 6188.

6. Burdick, CL. 1946.

The radioactive time theory and recent trends in methods of reckoning geologic time
Forum 1:39-58. CELD ID 6189.

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