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Contents of Faith and Thought 90(3)

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1. Anonymous. 1958.

F and T 90(3):153-154. CELD ID 16448.

2. Saggs, HWF. 1958.

Some ancient Semitic conceptions of the afterlife
F and T 90(3):157-182. CELD ID 16449.

3. Barnes, GE. 1958.

The concepts of randomness and progress in evolution
F and T 90(3):183-204. CELD ID 16450.

4. White, E. 1958.

Sigmund Freud. Life and work
F and T 90(3):205-209. CELD ID 16451.

5. Bruce, FF. 1958.

Book review: More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Aspects of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and The Historical Background of the Dead Sea Scrolls
F and T 90(3):210-212. CELD ID 16452.

6. Bruce, FF. 1958.

Book review: Illustrations from Biblical Archaeology
F and T 90(3):212-213. CELD ID 16453.

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