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Contents of Faith and Thought 90(2)

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1. Anonymous. 1958.

F and T 90(2):85-86. CELD ID 16439.

2. Bruce, FF. 1958.

Qumran and the New Testament
F and T 90(2):92-102. CELD ID 16440.

3. Mackay, DM. 1958.

Brain and will
F and T 90(2):103-115. CELD ID 16441.

4. Hannah, JW. 1958.

The presentation of the Christian gospel, and its impact on the individual today
F and T 90(2):116-136. CELD ID 16442.

5. Kilpatrick, GD. 1958.

The transmission of the New Testament and its Reliability
F and T 90(2):137-143. CELD ID 16443.

6. Wright, S. 1958.

Evidence for religious beliefs of palaeolithic man
F and T 90(2):144. CELD ID 16444.

7. Titterington, EJG. 1958.

The gift of tongues
F and T 90(2):145-146. CELD ID 16445.

8. Aldis, AS. 1958.

Book review: Ideals in Medicine
F and T 90(2):147-148. CELD ID 16446.

9. Spanner, DC. 1958.

Book review: Evolutionary Theory and Christian Belief
F and T 90(2):148-151. CELD ID 16447.

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