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Contents of Faith and Thought 90(1)

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1. Bruce, FF. 1958.

F and T 90(1):1-2. CELD ID 16431.

2. Anonymous. 1958.

F and T 90(1):3. CELD ID 16432.

3. Wright, JS. 1958.

An examination of evidence for religious beliefs of palaeolithic man
F and T 90(1):4-15. CELD ID 16433.

4. Foster, M. 1958.

Contemporary British philosophy and Christian belief
F and T 90(1):16-34. CELD ID 16434.

5. Packer, JI. 1958.

The fundamentalism controversy: retrospect and prospect
F and T 90(1):35-45. CELD ID 16435.

6. Curnow, G. 1958.

A consideration of the teaching of the Bible on human freedom
F and T 90(1):46-61. CELD ID 16436.

7. Titterington, EJG. 1958.

The gift of tongues
F and T 90(1):62-81. CELD ID 16437.

8. Stafford-Clark, D. 1958.

Book review: Battle for the Mind
F and T 90(1):82-84. CELD ID 16438.

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