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Contents of Evolution: A Journal of Nature 3(4)

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1. Anonymous. 1932.

Untitled editorial
Evolution 3(4):2. CELD ID 17620.

2. Anonymous. 1932.

New evidence for evolution
Evolution 3(4):2. CELD ID 17621.

3. Ward, H. 1932.

What made the flowers?
Evolution 3(4):3-5. CELD ID 17622.

4. Broms, A. 1932.

The tale of the horse
Evolution 3(4):5-7. CELD ID 17623.

5. Hegner, R. 1932.

Parasitology shows kinship of monkey and man
Evolution 3(4):8-9. CELD ID 17624.

6. Munro, HF. 1932.

The story of the Grand Canyon
Evolution 3(4):10-11. CELD ID 17625.

7. Wells, HG. 1932.

Biochemistry supports evolution
Evolution 3(4):11-12. CELD ID 17626.

8. Broms, A. 1932.

The spring sap
Evolution 3(4):12. CELD ID 17627.

9. Shipley, M. 1932.

Book review: Up from the Ape
Evolution 3(4):13. CELD ID 17628.

10. Broms, A. 1932.

Book review: The Key to Evolution
Evolution 3(4):13. CELD ID 17629.

11. Fenton, CL. 1932.

Book chat
Evolution 3(4):13-14. CELD ID 17630.

12. Brewster, ET. 1932.

No transitional forms?
Evolution 3(4):14. CELD ID 17631.

13. Dederer, PH. 1932.

How they argued
Evolution 3(4):15. CELD ID 17632.

14. Broms, A. 1932.

Question box
Evolution 3(4):15. CELD ID 17633.

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