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Contents of Evolution: A Journal of Nature 3(3)

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1. Anonymous. 1931.

Untitled editorial
Evolution 3(3):2. CELD ID 17605.

2. Anonymous. 1931.

The greatest science gathering
Evolution 3(3):2. CELD ID 17606.

3. Gregory, WK. 1931.

In the land of the gorilla
Evolution 3(3):4-5. CELD ID 17607.

4. Raven, HC. 1931.

Hunting the gorilla
Evolution 3(3):4-5. CELD ID 17608.

5. Muller, HJ. 1931.

How evolution works
Evolution 3(3):6-9. CELD ID 17609.

6. McKee, RH. 1931.

Improving on nature
Evolution 3(3):10-11. CELD ID 17610.

7. Broms, A. 1931.

New York in the ice age
Evolution 3(3):12-13. CELD ID 17611.

8. Shipley, M. 1931.

The ethics of evolution
Evolution 3(3):14. CELD ID 17612.

9. Hrdlicka, A. 1931.

What is man becoming?
Evolution 3(3):15-16. CELD ID 17613.

10. Dederer, PH. 1931.

What sharp eyes see
Evolution 3(3):16-17. CELD ID 17614.

11. Broms, A. 1931.

Question box
Evolution 3(3):17. CELD ID 17615.

12. Brewster, ET. 1931.

Science and the legal mind
Evolution 3(3):18. CELD ID 17616.

13. Broms, A. 1931.

Book review: The Story of Evolution and From Dust to Life
Evolution 3(3):18. CELD ID 17617.

14. Wood, HE. 1931.

Book review: The Case Against Evolution
Evolution 3(3):18-19. CELD ID 17618.

15. Fenton, CL. 1931.

Book review: Parade of the Living
Evolution 3(3):19. CELD ID 17619.

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