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Contents of Evolution: A Journal of Nature (8)

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1. Ward, H. 1928.

The proofs of evolution
Evolution (8):2-3. CELD ID 17424.

2. Broms, AS. 1928.

McGregor reconstructs ancient man
Evolution (8):3-4. CELD ID 17425.

3. Lucas, FA. 1928.

The animals of the past
Evolution (8):5-6. CELD ID 17426.

4. Broms, AS. 1928.

Brains - how come?
Evolution (8):6-7. CELD ID 17427.

5. Anonymous. 1928.

We greet the R.P.A.
Evolution (8):8. CELD ID 17428.

6. Anonymous. 1928.

Twenty states to vote on evolution
Evolution (8):8. CELD ID 17429.

7. Anonymous. 1928.

They'd call a spade a spoon
Evolution (8):8. CELD ID 17430.

8. Anonymous. 1928.

Just a suggestion
Evolution (8):8. CELD ID 17431.

9. Anonymous. 1928.

Parson vs. pedagog
Evolution (8):8. CELD ID 17432.

10. Whitesack, OO. 1928.

Undermining our educational system
Evolution (8):8-9. CELD ID 17433.

11. McCabe, J. 1928.

Frots without fathers
Evolution (8):9. CELD ID 17434.

12. Barnes, HE. 1928.

How the war on fundamentalism began
Evolution (8):10. CELD ID 17435.

13. Broms, AS. 1928.

Amoeba, the one-celled
Evolution (8):11. CELD ID 17436.

14. Broms, AS. 1928.

The falling leaves
Evolution (8):11. CELD ID 17437.

15. Broms, AS. 1928.

Circulation of the blood
Evolution (8):11. CELD ID 17438.

16. Dederer, PH. 1928.

Noah on evolution
Evolution (8):12. CELD ID 17439.

17. Lyle, B. 1928.

The choice
Evolution (8):12. CELD ID 17440.

18. Broms, AS. 1928.

Book review: Heir of All the Ages
Evolution (8):13. CELD ID 17441.

19. Broms, AS. 1928.

Book review: Growing Up
Evolution (8):13. CELD ID 17442.

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