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Contents of Evolution: A Journal of Nature (7)

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1. Broms, AS. 1928.

Brains - how come?
Evolution (7):2-3. CELD ID 17404.

2. Anonymous. 1928.

The horned dinosaur Triceratops
Evolution (7):3. CELD ID 17405.

3. Munro, HF. 1928.

Vestigial organs
Evolution (7):4-5. CELD ID 17406.

4. Anonymous. 1928.

The story of plant evolution
Evolution (7):5. CELD ID 17407.

5. Kraatz, WC. 1928.

Mastodon facts vs. fundamentalist fancies
Evolution (7):6. CELD ID 17408.

6. Anonymous. 1928.

Clergymen as scientific men
Evolution (7):7. CELD ID 17409.

7. Anonymous. 1928.

Henshaw Ward writes new series
Evolution (7):8. CELD ID 17410.

8. Anonymous. 1928.

Arkansas battle begins
Evolution (7):8. CELD ID 17411.

9. Anonymous. 1928.

The fundamentalist challenge
Evolution (7):9. CELD ID 17412.

10. Linton, E. 1928.

The scientific method
Evolution (7):10. CELD ID 17413.

11. England, HE. 1928.

Remarkable case of atavism among pigeons
Evolution (7):10. CELD ID 17414.

12. Broms, AS. 1928.

Paramecium, the slipper animalcule
Evolution (7):11. CELD ID 17415.

13. Broms, AS. 1928.

Evolution (7):11. CELD ID 17416.

14. Broms, AS. 1928.

The cell unit of life
Evolution (7):11. CELD ID 17417.

15. Boins, E. 1928.

Evolution (7):12. CELD ID 17418.

16. Whitcomb, PS. 1928.

Letter from a fundamentalist
Evolution (7):12. CELD ID 17419.

17. Anonymous. 1928.

Illustrated evolution lecture
Evolution (7):13. CELD ID 17420.

18. Anonymous. 1928.

More X-ray experiments
Evolution (7):13. CELD ID 17421.

19. de Schweinitz, K. 1928.

Book review: Growing Up
Evolution (7):13. CELD ID 17422.

20. Broms, AS. 1928.

Book review: The Falls of Niagara
Evolution (7):13. CELD ID 17423.

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