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Contents of Evolution: A Journal of Nature (4)

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1. Ward, H. 1928.

The maze of species
Evolution (4):2. CELD ID 17333.

2. Goldenweiser, A. 1928.

Thomas H. Huxley and Peter Kropotkin
Evolution (4):3. CELD ID 17334.

3. Stern, BJ. 1928.

How man differs from the ape
Evolution (4):4. CELD ID 17335.

4. Dorsey, GA. 1928.

Is this me?
Evolution (4):4-5. CELD ID 17336.

5. Muller, HJ. 1928.

X-rays stimulate variation
Evolution (4):5. CELD ID 17337.

6. Herrera, AL. 1928.

Spheric mirror shows human-ape relationship
Evolution (4):6. CELD ID 17338.

7. Barnes, HE. 1928.

Evolution and the new perspective of life purposes
Evolution (4):7. CELD ID 17339.

8. Anonymous. 1928.

Evolution (4):8. CELD ID 17340.

9. Anonymous. 1928.

Below the belt
Evolution (4):8. CELD ID 17341.

10. Anonymous. 1928.

Confidential questionnaire
Evolution (4):8. CELD ID 17342.

11. Anonymous. 1928.

Just a word
Evolution (4):8. CELD ID 17343.

12. Anonymous. 1928.

Evolution dinner
Evolution (4):8. CELD ID 17344.

13. Anonymous. 1928.

In the beginning
Evolution (4):8. CELD ID 17345.

14. Anonymous. 1928.

A dinner in your city too?
Evolution (4):8. CELD ID 17346.

15. Shipley, M. 1928.

What evolution means to you
Evolution (4):9. CELD ID 17347.

16. Broms, AS. 1928.

How old is the world?
Evolution (4):10. CELD ID 17348.

17. Kraatz, WC. 1928.

Evolution and evolution theories
Evolution (4):11. CELD ID 17349.

18. Anonymous. 1928.

Evolution versus theology
Evolution (4):12. CELD ID 17350.

19. Anonymous. 1928.

News from Arkansas
Evolution (4):12. CELD ID 17351.

20. Anonymous. 1928.

Evolution on the air
Evolution (4):12. CELD ID 17352.

21. Anonymous. 1928.

And now Kentucky
Evolution (4):12. CELD ID 17353.

22. Whitaker, R. 1928.

My ancestors
Evolution (4):12. CELD ID 17354.

23. Simkins, CS. 1928.

A greater danger than evolution
Evolution (4):13. CELD ID 17355.

24. Broms, AS. 1928.

Book review: Other Worlds
Evolution (4):13. CELD ID 17356.

25. Anonymous. 1928.

Chemistry to control life
Evolution (4):15. CELD ID 17357.

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