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Contents of Cryptozoology 9

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1. Heuvelmans, B. 1990.

The metamorphosis of unknown animals into fabulous beasts and of fabulous beasts into known animals
Cryptozoology 9:1-12. CELD ID 10025.

2. Douglas, AM. 1990.

The Thylacine: a case for current existence on mainland Australia
Cryptozoology 9:13-25. CELD ID 10026.

3. Shuker, KPN. 1990.

The Kellas Cat: reviewing an enigma
Cryptozoology 9:26-40. CELD ID 10027.

4. Joyner, GC. 1990.

Scientific discovery and the place of the yahoo in Australian zoological history
Cryptozoology 9:41-51. CELD ID 10028.

5. Heaney, M. 1990.

A more appropriate procedure for naming Sasquatch
Cryptozoology 9:52-56. CELD ID 10029.

6. Martyr, D. 1990.

An investigation of the prang-pendek, the "Short Man" of Sumatra
Cryptozoology 9:57-65. CELD ID 10030.

7. Bauer, AM; Russell, AP. 1990.

Recent advances in the search for the living giant gecko of New Zealand
Cryptozoology 9:66-73. CELD ID 10031.

8. Tischendorf, JW. 1990.

The eastern panther on film? results of an investigation
Cryptozoology 9:74-78. CELD ID 10032.

9. Zarzynski, JW. 1990.

LCPI work at Lake Champlain, 1990
Cryptozoology 9:79-81. CELD ID 10033.

10. Hewkin, JW. 1990.

Sasquatch investigations in the Pacific Northwest, 1990
Cryptozoology 9:82-84. CELD ID 10034.

11. Kirk, J. 1990.

BCSCC report on Okanagan Lake, 1990
Cryptozoology 9:85-87. CELD ID 10035.

12. Bauer, AM. 1990.

Book review: Exotic Zoology by Willy Ley
Cryptozoology 9:88-91. CELD ID 10036.

13. Greenwell, JR. 1990.

Book review: Mystery animals of Britain and Ireland by Graham J. McEwen
Cryptozoology 9:91-93. CELD ID 10037.

14. Capparella, AP. 1990.

Book review: Thunderbirds: The Living Legend of Giant Birds by Mark A. Hall
Cryptozoology 9:94-96. CELD ID 10038.

15. Mackal, RP. 1990.

Book review: Mysterious Lake Pend Oreille and its "Monster": Fact and Folklore by James R. McLeod
Cryptozoology 9:96-97. CELD ID 10039.

16. Kirk, J. 1990.

Book review: Champ: Beyond the Legend (Updated Edition) by Joseph W. Zarynski
Cryptozoology 9:98. CELD ID 10040.

17. Ashmead, AH. 1990.

Paleocryptozoology: a monstrously good idea
Cryptozoology 9:99-100. CELD ID 10041.

18. Reese, DS. 1990.

Paleocryptozoology and Archaeology: a sivathere no longer
Cryptozoology 9:100-107. CELD ID 10042.

19. Mayor, A. 1990.

Paleocryptozoological collaborations
Cryptozoology 9:107-111. CELD ID 10043.

20. Janis, C. 1990.

Sivatherium defended
Cryptozoology 9:111-115. CELD ID 10044.

21. Kredel, SF. 1990.

More on the okapi-Persepolis link
Cryptozoology 9:115. CELD ID 10045.

22. Joyner, GC. 1990.

The yahoo: an improbably hypothesis
Cryptozoology 9:116-117. CELD ID 10046.

23. Smith, M. 1990.

The yahoo: clarifying the hypothesis
Cryptozoology 9:117-119. CELD ID 10047.

24. Krantz, GS. 1990.

Enlarging on some footprint details
Cryptozoology 9:119-120. CELD ID 10048.

25. Pincher, M. 1990.

Providing the lacking element
Cryptozoology 9:121-122. CELD ID 10049.

26. Ernst, WT. 1990.

Leave Sasquatch to cryptozoologists
Cryptozoology 9:122-123. CELD ID 10050.

27. Vogel, B. 1990.

Lawyers and the Sasquatch: choosing the right technocrat
Cryptozoology 9:124-125. CELD ID 10051.

28. Jaszi, P. 1990.

Lawyers, Evidence, Shakespeare, and Sasquatch
Cryptozoology 9:125-128. CELD ID 10052.

29. Green, J. 1990.

Sasquatch inquiry: only one finding possible
Cryptozoology 9:128-129. CELD ID 10053.

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