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Contents of Cryptozoology 8

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1. Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1989.

Reminiscences of the discovery of the Coelancanth, Latimeria chalumnae Smith
Cryptozoology 8:1-11. CELD ID 9990.

2. Mayor, A. 1989.

Paleocryptozoology: A call for collaboration between classicists and cryptozoologists
Cryptozoology 8:12-26. CELD ID 9991.

3. Smith, M. 1989.

Analysis of the Australian "Hairy Man" (Yahoo) data
Cryptozoology 8:27-36. CELD ID 9992.

4. Green, J. 1989.

The case for a legal inquiry into Sasquatch evidence
Cryptozoology 8:37-42. CELD ID 9993.

5. Baird, D. 1989.

Sasquatch footprints: a proposed method of fabrication
Cryptozoology 8:43-46. CELD ID 9994.

6. Greenwell, JR; Poirier, FE. 1989.

Further investigations into the reported Yeren-the Wildman of China
Cryptozoology 8:47-57. CELD ID 9995.

7. Edgerton, HE; Wyckoff, CW; Rines, RH; Needleman, R; Rines, JC. 1989.

AAS underwater elapsed time camera silhouette photography experiments at Loch Ness, 1989
Cryptozoology 8:58-63. CELD ID 9996.

8. Sapunov, VB. 1989.

Results of Chimpanzee Pheromone use in snowman (Wildman) Field
Cryptozoology 8:64-66. CELD ID 9997.

9. Zarynski, JW. 1989.

LCPI work at Lake Champlain, 1989
Cryptozoology 8:67-72. CELD ID 9998.

10. Hewkin, JA. 1989.

Continuing Sasquatch investigations in the Pacific Northwest
Cryptozoology 8:73-74. CELD ID 9999.

11. Kirk, J. 1989.

BCCC reports on Okanagan Lake, 1989
Cryptozoology 8:75-79. CELD ID 10000.

12. Greenwell, JR. 1989.

Book review: An Odd Bestiary by Alan James Robinson (illus.) and Laurie Block (comp.)
Cryptozoology 8:80-83. CELD ID 10001.

13. Bauer, AM. 1989.

Book review: The Southern Ark: Zoological Discovery in New Zealand 1769-1900 by J.R.H. Andrews
Cryptozoology 8:83-87. CELD ID 10002.

14. Groves, CP. 1989.

Book review: King Cheetah: The Story of the Quest by Lena Godsall Bottriell
Cryptozoology 8:87-92. CELD ID 10003.

15. Morales, M. 1989.

Book review: A Living Dinosaur? In Search of Mokele-Mbembe by Roy P. Mackal
Cryptozoology 8:92-94. CELD ID 10004.

16. Boyd, A. 1989.

Book review: Monster Wrecks of Loch Ness and Lake Champlain by Joseph W. Zarzynski
Cryptozoology 8:94-96. CELD ID 10005.

17. LeBlond, PH. 1989.

Book review: Ogopogo: The True Story of the Okanagan Lake Million Dollar Monster by Arlene Gaal
Cryptozoology 8:96-97. CELD ID 10006.

18. Raynal, M. 1989.

Cryptozoology: Science or pseudoscience?
Cryptozoology 8:98-102. CELD ID 10007.

19. Winn, EB. 1989.

Cryptozoology as a case in law
Cryptozoology 8:102-105. CELD ID 10008.

20. Heuvelmans, B. 1989.

Cryptozoology, epistemology, and ethics
Cryptozoology 8:105-110. CELD ID 10009.

21. Heuvelmans, B. 1989.

Colarusso's linguistic cryptozoology: a model
Cryptozoology 8:111-112. CELD ID 10010.

22. Bauer, AM. 1989.

More on monotremes
Cryptozoology 8:113-114. CELD ID 10011.

23. Krumbiegel, I; Sehm, GG. 1989.

The Waitoreke: linguistics versus science
Cryptozoology 8:114-117. CELD ID 10012.

24. Colarusso, J. 1989.

Platypuses, proof, and possibilities
Cryptozoology 8:118-123. CELD ID 10013.

25. Sehm, GG. 1989.

The Ri/Ilkai and the irrawaddy dolphin: more evidence
Cryptozoology 8:124. CELD ID 10014.

26. Williams, TR. 1989.

The Ri/Ilkai dugong conclusions based on observational evidence
Cryptozoology 8:125-126. CELD ID 10015.

27. Zegura, SL. 1989.

Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans, and snowpeople
Cryptozoology 8:126-128. CELD ID 10016.

28. Sapunov, VB. 1989.

Snowman based on objective reality
Cryptozoology 8:128-129. CELD ID 10017.

29. Campbell, S. 1989.

Disinherit the wind
Cryptozoology 8:129-113. CELD ID 10018.

30. LeBlond, PH. 1989.

Whence blew the wind
Cryptozoology 8:113-135. CELD ID 10019.

31. Joyner, G. 1989.

The yahoo and the nature of zoological discovery
Cryptozoology 8:136-139. CELD ID 10020.

32. Groves, CP. 1989.

The Yahoo and "hominid" psychology
Cryptozoology 8:140-141. CELD ID 10021.

33. Greenwell, JR. 1989.

Giraffes all set
Cryptozoology 8:141-143. CELD ID 10022.

34. Swords, MD. 1989.

Giraffes eliminated
Cryptozoology 8:143-146. CELD ID 10023.

35. Tuck, RG; Valdez, R. 1989.

Persepolis: Nilgai-not Okapi
Cryptozoology 8:146-149. CELD ID 10024.

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