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Contents of Cryptozoology 7

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1. Heuvelmans, B. 1988.

The sources and method of cryptozoological research
Cryptozoology 7:1-21. CELD ID 9957.

2. Bauer, AM; Russell, AP. 1988.

Osteological evidence for the prior occurance of a giant gecko in Otago, New Zealand
Cryptozoology 7:22-37. CELD ID 9958.

3. Thomas, C. 1988.

The "Monster" episode in Adomnan's Life of St. Columba
Cryptozoology 7:38-45. CELD ID 9959.

4. Colarusso, J. 1988.

Waitoreke, the New Zealand "Otter": a linguistic solution to a cryptozoological problem
Cryptozoology 7:46-60. CELD ID 9960.

5. Sapunov, VB. 1988.

A mathematical analysis of "Snowman" (Wildman) eyewitness reports
Cryptozoology 7:61-65. CELD ID 9961.

6. Takabayashi, T. 1988.

The first Japanese-Congolese Mokele-Mbembe expedition
Cryptozoology 7:66-69. CELD ID 9962.

7. Zarzynski, JW. 1988.

LCPI work at Lake Champlain, 1988
Cryptozoology 7:70-77. CELD ID 9963.

8. Greenwell, JR. 1988.

Book review: Naturalized Mammals of the World by Christopher Lever
Cryptozoology 7:78-83. CELD ID 9964.

9. Bauer, AM. 1988.

Book review: Kadimakara: Extinct Vertebrates of Australia edited by Pat V. Rich and Gerard F. Van Tets
Cryptozoology 7:84-87. CELD ID 9965.

10. Smith, M. 1988.

Book review: Thylacine: The Tragedy of the Tasmanian Tiger by Eric R. Guiler
Cryptozoology 7:87-90. CELD ID 9966.

11. Shuker, KPN. 1988.

Book review: The Beast of Exmoor: Fact or Legend? by Trevor Beer
Cryptozoology 7:91-93. CELD ID 9967.

12. Rines, RH. 1988.

Book review: The Enigma of Loch Ness: Making Sense of a Mystery by Henry H. Bauer
Cryptozoology 7:94-95. CELD ID 9968.

13. Fitter, R. 1988.

Book review: The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence by Steuart Campbell
Cryptozoology 7:95-97. CELD ID 9969.

14. Gibson, JA. 1988.

Book review: Sticking My Neck Out! By Nessie by Edward H. Armstrong
Cryptozoology 7:97-99. CELD ID 9970.

15. Tassy, P. 1988.

Fossil ungulates and archaeology: two kinds of evidence
Cryptozoology 7:100. CELD ID 9971.

16. Spassov, N. 1988.

A review of some paleocryptozoological hypotheses
Cryptozoology 7:101-102. CELD ID 9972.

17. Raynal, M. 1988.

Perepolis: A puzzling case in archaeological cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 7:102-103. CELD ID 9973.

18. Janis, C. 1988.

Hurrah for Hyraces!
Cryptozoology 7:104-106. CELD ID 9974.

19. Buckley, JS; Shelton, SY. 1988.

A reevalutation of Gigantopithecus
Cryptozoology 7:106-108. CELD ID 9975.

20. Krantz, GS. 1988.

A problem of gigantic proportions
Cryptozoology 7:109-110. CELD ID 9976.

21. Bauer, AM; Russell, AP. 1988.

Evidence for the tzuchinoko equivocal
Cryptozoology 7:110-113. CELD ID 9977.

22. Dethier, M; Dethier-Sakamoto, A. 1988.

The tzuchinoko: a new hypothesis
Cryptozoology 7:114. CELD ID 9978.

23. Mackal, RP. 1988.

The Wilson photo: bird explanation non untenable
Cryptozoology 7:115. CELD ID 9979.

24. Campbell, S. 1988.

The tail of an otter?
Cryptozoology 7:116-117. CELD ID 9980.

25. LeBlond, PH. 1988.

The tale of an otter?
Cryptozoology 7:117-118. CELD ID 9981.

26. Trotti, HH. 1988.

A dog in wolf's clothing
Cryptozoology 7:119-120. CELD ID 9982.

27. Buffetaut, E. 1988.

Mad dogs and frenchman
Cryptozoology 7:120-121. CELD ID 9983.

28. Joyner, G. 1988.

The yahoo again misrepresented
Cryptozoology 7:121. CELD ID 9984.

29. Greenwell, JR. 1988.

Explaining away and avoiding errors
Cryptozoology 7:122-123. CELD ID 9985.

30. Groves, CP. 1988.

On Type I and Type II errors in cryptozoology; or, was proteus a yahoo?
Cryptozoology 7:123-128. CELD ID 9986.

31. Bayanov, D. 1988.

Parallel primates
Cryptozoology 7:129-130. CELD ID 9987.

32. Hewkin, JA. 1988.

Sasquatch snapped sapplings (or Bigfoot broke branches...)
Cryptozoology 7:130-131. CELD ID 9988.

33. Smith, RD. 1988.

Fieldwork, Evidence and Science
Cryptozoology 7:131-133. CELD ID 9989.

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